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979 results found

European Social Fund

The European Social Fund dataset is used to supply information to nine jobcentre plus regions which enables them to produce the interim claims and project closure reports necessary to enable...

Allerdale Social Land Addresses

Allerdale Social Landlord Addresses expressed as polygon extents of the properties under a Registered Social Landlord.

Social Lettings Tables

Social lettings information recorded on CORE (Continuous Recording of Lettings) in 2011/12 adjusted for missing local authority landlord data. Source agency: Communities and Local...

Adult Social Care

Location of all adult social care services in Nottingham

Social Isolation Infographic

This infographic gives an overview of social isolation and loneliness in Camden.

Social Isolation Infographic

This infographic gives an overview of the burden of social isolation and loneliness in Camden

Social Housing Lettings & Sales

Information about social and affordable lettings and sales of social housing in England based on information reported through the Continuous Recording of Lettings (CORE) system for 2011 to 2012.

Agency Social Workers

Number and cost of agency social workers employed by Calderdale Council Adult and Children's Services from 2015/16.

British Social Attitudes Survey

Every year the British Social Attitudes survey asks around 3000 people what it’s like to live in Britain and how they think Britain is run. The survey tracks people’s changing social, political and...

Social care providers

This is a report of social care providers in England that are registered with and regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

Social Integration Measurement Toolkit

At the end of 2019 the Greater London Authority (GLA) commissioned [PRD]( to develop a standardised social integration measurement toolkit, for use by the GLA and other...

Social care locations

This is a report on the locations belonging to social care providers in England that are registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

Social housing stock

The value of social housing stock that is held in the Housing Revenue Account.This data is published annually.

Social housing rents

Social housing rents Source: Housing Revenue Account (HRA), ODPM, Housing Corporation (HC) Publisher: Neighbourhood Statistics Geographies: Local Authority District (LAD), Government Office Region...

Qualified agency social worker spend

Total spent (excluding VAT) by Leeds City Council Adult Social Care on agency qualified social workers.

Social Housing Lettings in England

Statistics on social housing lettings in England, extracted from the COntinuous REcording (CORE) system. This release replaces the Social Housing Lettings and Sales in England release - information...

Social Integration by Borough

Percent who agree that their local area is a place where people from different backgrounds get on well together. This question is asked in the Public Attitudes Survey (PAS). The PAS is run by the...

European Social Fund Contracts

European Social Fund Contracts by provider and by contract number

Adult Social Care National Datasets

Barnet submit a number of statistical returns to NHS Digital for the national Department of Health and Social Care. These returns help to ·      improve the quality and outcomes of care for our...

HPI: Social care resourcing

Health Poverty Index - Situation of Health: Social care resourcing: Personal social services expenditure per capita Source: Department of Health (DoH), General Fund Services Revenue Account...