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1,118 results found

Personal Social Services: Expenditure and Unit Costs, England

This summary provides information about the money spent on adult social care by the social services departments of Councils with Adult Social Services Responsibilities (CASSRs) in England. It...

Community Care Statistics: Social Services Activity, England

This is a report on the social care activity of Councils with Adult Social Services Responsibilities (CASSRs) in England. It contains information taken from council administrative systems used to...

Data Supporting Research Into VCSE readyness for social investment

This is the dataset that was used to formulate the research report. Investment Readiness in the UK.

Drug Use in Ireland and Northern Ireland Drug Prevalence Survey: Sedatives or Tranquillisers and Anti-Depressants Results

This bulletin provides a comprehensive overview of many different aspects of sedative or tranquillisers and anti-depressant use in Ireland and Northern Ireland. Source agency: Health, Social...

Northern Ireland Fireworks Injuries

This statistical release gives details of the number of persons injured by fireworks in Northern Ireland during the Halloween period. The survey coveres a four/five-week period and covers those...

Statistics from the Northern Ireland Drug Addicts Index

This statistical bulletin summarises information on all those persons registered on the Northern Ireland Drug Addicts Index at 31 December in concurrence with the Misuse of Drugs (Notification of...

Social Trends

This series ended in 2012. An established reference source, Social Trends draws together social and economic data from a wide range of government departments and other organisations; it paints a...

Northern Ireland GMS Quality and Outcomes Framework Prevalence Bulletin

The prevalence bulletin contains bar charts of overall prevalence in Northern Ireland for the 20 Quality & Outcomes Framework registers which count patients with specific conditions or...

Children in Care in Northern Ireland Statistical Bulletin

Formerly Outcome Indicators for Looked After Children. This statistical bulletin presents information on children who had been looked after continuously for 12 months or more at 30 September. It...

Accident & Emergency Care Statistics

This publication presents information on annual activity at emergency care departments in Northern Ireland. It details information on new attendances, planned & unplanned re-attendances,...

Financial reports on Local Authority expenditure on their education and children's social care functions

Local Authorities are required under section 251 of the Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009 to prepare and submit an education and children’s social care outturn statement....

Private Registered Provider Social Housing Stock in England: Statistical Data Return

This annual survey is run by the Homes and Communities Agency and is completed by all Private Registered Providers of social housing in England. It includes data on size and type of home, location,...

Households taking up your LA nominations to other social landlord dwellings

The Housing Strategy Statistical Appendix (HSSA) is a statistical return to support the LA's annual Housing Strategy. It is mainly basic and policy orientated data on all tenures within each local...

Children Adopted from Care in Northern Ireland

Formerly Adoption of Looked After Children. This statistical bulletin provides information about children adopted from care in Northern Ireland during the year ending 31 March. The tables in the...

Domiciliary Care Services for Adults, Northern Ireland

This statistical bulletin presents information on the number of clients receiving domiciliary care services from the statutory and independent sectors during a survey week. It provides information...

Employees - Social Worker Headcount

The headcount of the number of Social Workers employed by Leicester City Council.  These are broken down by basis employed (casual, full time, part time) and the combined hours worked per...

Social Housing Asset Value

The Transparency Code mandates local authorities to publish details of the value of housing stock held in the Housing Revenue Account. Rochdale Borough Council DOES NOT have a housing revenue...

Social housing asset values

The social housing asset value reports provide information about the council’s assets in accordance with the mandatory requirements of the Local Government Transparency Code.

Social Housing Asset Data

This dataset provides information on Social Housing Asset Data at Salford City Council. Details are provided to meet the required standards of the Local Government Transparency Code 2014.

Allerdale Social Land Addresses

Allerdale Social Landlord Addresses expressed as polygon extents of the properties under a Registered Social Landlord.