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1,266 results found

UKCCSRC Call 1 Project (C1-27) - 'Experimental investigation with PACT facility and CFD modelling of oxy-coal combustion on recycling real flue gas and vent gas of compression and purification units' - Methodologies and Data

UKCCSRC Call 1 Project (C1-27) - 'Experimental investigation with PACT facility and CFD modelling of oxy-coal combustion on recycling real flue gas and vent gas of compression and purification...

Agricultural Land Classification detailed Post 1988 survey ALCL04596

Survey name: Sowerby, Thirsk, World's End, Hambleton L.P. Post 1988 Agricultural Land Classification (ALC) site survey data – scanned original paper maps and survey reports for individual sites...

Museums loans

Datasets showing loans out to other museums across the UK and around the world from Leeds. Please note ----------- * It is acknowledged that this information is not in the best format and work...

Resources of Global City Comparison Indicators

A list of some key resources for comparing London with other world cities. European Union/Eurostat, [Urban Audit]( Arcadis, [Sustainable...

NextBuses API

The NextBuses API allows users to access live departure information by stop for public transport across Great Britain. Real time information will be provided where it is available and scheduled...

UKCES Employer Skills Survey 2013

The UK Commission’s Employer Skills Survey (UKCESS) is the largest of its kind in the world. It gives a comprehensive and robust picture of skills needs and training investment in UK business....

UKCES Employer Skills Survey 2011 [comparable with UKCESS 2011 main report]

The UK Commission’s Employer Skills Survey (UKCESS) is the largest of its kind on the world. It gives a comprehensive and robust picture of skills needs and training investment in UK business....

UKCES Employer Skills Survey 2011 [comparable with UKCESS 2013 main report]

The UK Commission’s Employer Skills Survey (UKCESS) is the largest of its kind on the world. It gives a comprehensive and robust picture of skills needs and training investment in UK business....

Statutory Main River Map Variations

The Statutory Main River Map Variations dataset defines proposed changes to the Statutory Main River Map. Statutory Main Rivers Map defines statutory watercourses in England designated as Main...

Article 4 Direction Areas - Houses in Multiple Occupation

City-wide area within which permitted development rights have been removed for changes of use from C3 Dwellinghouses (family/single household occupancy dwellings) to C4 Houses in Multiple...

Conservation Areas Documentation

Conservation areas are those areas identified by the Local Planning Authority as having special architectural or historic interest which merits designation. Documentation including area character...

UKCCSRC Call 1 project poster: Experimental investigation and CFD modelling of oxy-coal combustion, CSLF Call project poster reception, London, 27.06.16

This poster on the UKCCSRC Call 1 project Experimental investigation with PACT facility and CFD modelling of oxy-coal combustion with recycling real flue gas was presented at the CSLF Call project...

Flood risk assessment of the Luanhe river basin under different development strategies and climate scenarios

The dataset describes the data needed for and results produced by the flood risk assessment framework under different development strategies of Luanhe river basin under a changing climate. The...

Free School Meals

Numbers of eligible pupils and the take up of Free School Meals (__FSM__) for Maintained York Local Authority Schools (Excludes dual registered subsidiary pupils). All data is taken from the...

Ashford Borough Council Inspire WMS

This interactive World Map Service (WMS) displays geographically maintained or monitored areas in the borough of Ashford, Kent. ArcGIS polygon layers have been created for the map display and...

Ashford Borough Council Inspire WFS

This interactive World Feature Service (WFS) displays geographically maintained or monitored areas in the borough of Ashford, Kent. ArcGIS polygon layers have been created for the map display and...

Regional Gross Value Added (Production approach)

Regional Gross Value Added (GVA) by the production approach: Current Price GVA estimates and Real GVA as Chained Volume Measures for NUTS1 and NUTS2 (1998-2011). Source agency: Office for National...

Egg Statistics Notice

This release combines the UK egg packing station survey, the UK egg processor survey, the egg laying element of the UK hatcheries survey, together with other DEFRA statistics, Intrastat trade data...

Planned road works on the National Highways road network

This dataset provides information on planned roadworks carried out on the National Highways network. Roadworks listed cover the period up to 15 days in advance from the date of publication. It...

Strava Heat Map

Find out the most popular cycling routes and running routes across North Yorkshire and the world. This is a useful website to show where the most popular cycling and running routes are in your...