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228 results found

Kākāpō (Strigops habroptilus) egg fertility on Anchor and Whenua Hou islands, New Zealand, 2019 breeding season

This dataset contains information on the fertility and physical characteristics of kākāpō (Strigops habroptilus) eggs laid on Anchor and Whenua Hou islands, New Zealand during the 2018/19 breeding...

Species point records from 1985-87 Procter Torbay caves survey

The massive limestone promontory of Berry Head is probably the most impressive outcrop of Devonian limestone in south Devon. Forming the southern tip of Torbay, the head shelters the fishing port...

Habitat point records from 1985-87 Procter Torbay caves survey

The massive limestone promontory of Berry Head is probably the most impressive outcrop of Devonian limestone in south Devon. Forming the southern tip of Torbay, the head shelters the fishing port...

Cornwall Council Brownfield Register

Following the introduction of The Town and Country Planning (Brownfield Land Register) Regulations 2017, Cornwall Council is required to publish and maintain a register of brownfield land exceeding...

Education Attainment: Key Stage 2

This data shows Education Attainment at Key Stage 2. Numbers and percentages of pupils reaching the expected standard in reading, writing, and mathematics are shown by gender. Points to be aware...

Macroinvertebrate data from the South Fork McKenzie River in Oregon, USA before and after a wildfire event, 2019 to 2021

Data comprise macroinvertebrate count data (identified to species level), trait and classification information, as well as information on macroinvertebrate biomass and site-specific observations...

Ichthyoplankton Analysis Data from the UK's Western Coastal Shelf 2016

Ichthyoplankton abundance data (fish eggs and larvae) to study the Spatial abundance of the species in 2016 from the western approaches of the Celtic sea in the region between 48 degrees N and...

Calderdale IMD 2019 results

The Index of multiple deprivation (IMD) combines information from the English Indices of deprivation (IoD). It is the Government's official measure of relative deprivation for LSOAs (Lower layer...

Dissolved polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in the River Wyre (northwest England)

Data on concentrations of dissolved PAHs and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in 20 water samples collected from the River Wyre at five sites between Marshaw Wyre, one of the two headwaters of the...

QICS Paper: Small-scale modelling of physiochemical impacts of CO2 leaked from sub-seabed reservoirs or pipelines within the North Sea and surrounding waters

A two-fluid, small scale numerical ocean model was developed to simulate plume dynamics and increases in water acidity due to leakages of CO2 from potential sub-seabed reservoirs erupting, or...

Groundwater Vulnerability Scotland version 2

The Groundwater Vulnerability Scotland dataset forms part of the BGS Hydrogeological Maps of Scotland data product. This product is comprised of three datasets: Bedrock Aquifer Productivity...

Transport for London - Open Data

TfL statement: We've committed to making our open data freely available to third parties and to engaging developers to deliver new products, apps and services for our customers. Over 11,000...

GeoScour - A Geological assessment of the potential for river scour

BGS GeoScour provides river scour susceptibility information for Great Britain using a three-tiered data provision allowing increasing levels of understanding at different resolutions from...

Seasonal breakthrough curves of conservative (fluorescein) and reactive (resazurin and resorufin) tracers at an agriculturally-impacted stream at Wood Brook, UK, 2016-2017

This dataset contains breakthrough curves of conservative (fluorescein) and reactive (resazurin and resorufin) tracers resulting from instantaneous tracer experiments in a lowland agricultural...

UK Performance Indicators, 2002/03 to 2020/21

The UK Performance Indicators provide comparative data on the performance of higher education (HE) providers across several areas. The areas that the Performance Indicators cover are: -...

Sustainable razor clam fishery 2013/14 - Fisheries Science Partnership

The fishing vessel *Harmoni *(MR7) was chartered to carry out experimental electro-fishing for razor clams. The aim of the survey was to establish whether a commercial fishery with this gear was...

UKCCSRC Call 1 project poster: CO2 storage in Palaeogene and Neogene hydrogeological systems of the North Sea, CSLF Call project poster reception, London, 27.06.16

This poster on the UKCCSRC Call 1 project CO2 storage in Palaeogene and Neogene hydrogeological systems of the North Sea: preparation of an IODP scientific drilling bid was presented at the CSLF...

GeoScour v2 - A geological assessment of the potential for river scour

BGS GeoScour v2 provides river scour susceptibility information for Great Britain using a three-tiered data provision allowing increasing levels of understanding at different resolutions from...

Headwater stream macrophyte data 1998 [Countryside Survey]

This dataset consists of macrophyte species records, sampled from headwater streams during a survey in 1998. Stream macrophytes in Countryside Survey are surveyed using the standard MTR (Mean...

Headwater stream macrophyte data 2007 [Countryside Survey]

This dataset consists of macrophyte species records, sampled from headwater streams during a survey in 2007. Stream macrophytes in Countryside Survey are surveyed using the standard MTR (Mean...