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205 results found

Planning Applications - Scotland

This new planning applications data has been created using a custom built 'Cloud Connector Framework' which enables the automated collection of data from local data systems on a DAILY basis....

Fixed Penalty Notices (FPN)

This dataset shows where fixed penalty notices have been issued by Leeds City Council. It shows the amount of fine issued, how much was paid or whether it was cancelled. Fixed Penalty Notices...

Environmental Service requests

This data set lists a number of services carried out by officers at Leeds City Council by date and location. These include responding to litter and noise complaints, reports of lost, found and...

FGS WIG Habitats and Species - New Natural Regeneration - Options

Scotland’s woodlands and forests are a vital national resource and play an important role in rural development and sustainable land use. As well as helping to reduce the impacts of climate change...

National Flood Hazard Maps 2019

The National Flood Hazard and Risk Maps are based on generalised modelling only. The maps have been published to comply with the Flood Risk Regulations (2009) and the EU Directive...

FGS WIG Habitats and Species - New Natural Regeneration - Claims

Scotland’s woodlands and forests are a vital national resource and play an important role in rural development and sustainable land use. As well as helping to reduce the impacts of climate change...

Conservation Areas

A Conservation Area is an area of special architectural or historic interest with a character or appearance that is desirable to preserve or enhance. There are no standard specifications for...

Historic Land Use associated with Mineral Planning Permissions for England

Between 2001 and 2003 BGS received approximately 1400 1:25 000 paper maps and associated card index from the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (now Department for Communities and Local Government...

Education and training: Success Rates in England 2012/13

PLEASE NOTE: The length of some of these files will exceed 1,048,576 rows or 16,384 columns, which is the limit spreadsheet software such as Excel, OpenOffice and Libre Office can handle. We...

Report: Kingsnorth E.ON UK Carbon Capture & Storage Front End Engineering and Design (FEED) - Chapter 06: Technical Design - Pipeline and Platform

During 2010-11, as part of the Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) Demonstration Competition process, E.ON undertook a Front End Engineering Design (FEED) study for the development of a commercial...

Report: Kingsnorth E.ON UK Carbon Capture & Storage Front End Engineering and Design (FEED) - Chapter 04: Project Design

During 2010-11, as part of the Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) Demonstration Competition process, E.ON undertook a Front End Engineering Design (FEED) study for the development of a commercial...

Element and radionuclide concentrations in representative species of the ICRP's Reference Animals and Plants and associated soils from a forest in north-west England

This dataset presents the results of an initial sampling exercise conducted at a terrestrial site in northwest England in summer 2010. The following samples of terrestrial Reference Animals and...

FCA: General insurance value measures data 2023

The FCA's second full year of general insurance value measures data covers January to December 2023. The data provides firms, market commentators and organisations such as consumer groups with...

Abundance of weeds in lowland arable fields, 2006-2009 - RELU Management options for biodiverse farming

This data collection results from abundance surveys of 7 species of weeds in ca. 500 lowland arable fields in 49 farms over three years. Each field was divided into large grids of 20x20 metre...

FCA: Financial promotions data 2023

The FCA analyses, and provides insights on the data, between 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023, resulting from action taken against authorised firms breaching financial promotion rules and...

CADW (CADW) Geophysical Survey WESSEX5: (17/Apr/2010 to 02/May/2010)

Wessex Archaeology (WA) was commissioned by Cadw to acquire, process and interpret marine geophysical data over a number of known and suspected wreck site locations off the coast of Wales. This...

GeoScour - A Geological assessment of the potential for river scour

BGS GeoScour provides river scour susceptibility information for Great Britain using a three-tiered data provision allowing increasing levels of understanding at different resolutions from...

Integrated Floodplain Management - ecology & hydrology data, 2006-2008

Hydrological monitoring data in this data collection result from dipwells installed at studied flood defence scheme, where electronic gauges monitored water-table fluctuations over time. Ecological...

Phase 2 Lowland Peatland Survey of Wales

This dataset is part of the Phase 2 Habitats surveys conducted across Wales. It consists of a detailed survey of plant communities in lowland peatland vegetation. The survey work was split...

GeoScour v2 - A geological assessment of the potential for river scour

BGS GeoScour v2 provides river scour susceptibility information for Great Britain using a three-tiered data provision allowing increasing levels of understanding at different resolutions from...