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563 results found

Elmbridge Borough Council Town and Village Greens

Dataset showing the Town and Village Greens within Elmbridge Borough Council’s administrative area. Upon accessing this licensed data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public...

North Lincolnshire Council Open/Green Space

North Lincolnshire Council - Open/Green Space represented as polygons.

Ashfield District Council Green Space Sites

Extents of green spaces within Ashfield District as polygons. With typology, typology description and access (believed correct at time of publishing)

Surrey Heath Borough Council Green Belt

Dataset displaying Green Belt in Surrey Heath as defined in the Surrey Heath Local Plan. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End...

Green Infrastructure Strategy Sustainable Movement Areas

Green Infrastructure Strategy Sustainable Movement Areas. By using or accessing this data you will be deemed to have accepted the [Public Sector End User Licence -...

Ipswich Borough Concil - Green Rim Indicative

Indicative area around Ipswich where the Council will seek to work with partners to improve and provide a publicly accessible green rim.

Green Belt (Local Plan Policy GB1)

Policy from the Runnymede Borough Council 2030 Local Plan (Adopted 16th July 2020). This dataset shows the location of Green Belt Area. The Runnymede Local Plan was adopted in 2020 and sets out...

Local Green Space - Craven District Council

Local Green Space in the Adopted Craven Local Plan 2012 - 2032

North Lincolnshire Council Open/Green Space

North Lincolnshire Council - Open/Green Space represented as polygons.

Sevenoaks Open Data - Metropolitan Green Belt

Polygon dataset of Metropolitan Green Belt within Sevenoaks District - API and download in British National Grid.

Green Skills Adult Education Provision in London

The GLA commissioned independent research into the green skills which are expected to grow in demand as London moves to net zero. It uses GLA Economics’ [_Identifying Green_...

Paddington Green Police Station additional documents

No description provided

Cambridgeshire County Council Registered Village Greens

Registered Village Greens in Cambridgeshire By using or accessing this data you will be deemed to have accepted the [Public Sector End User Licence -...

Tonnage composted (green) - All CYC Vehicles

Tonnage composted (green) - All CYC Vehicles

SNPA - ELDP Green Wedge

Dataset showing areas defined as the ‘Green Wedge’ under Development Policy 5 - Open Space and Green Wedges of the Eryri Local Development Plan (ELDP), the limit of each area is recorded as a...

Greening Government Commitment Data

Quarterly reports to the Department for Transport, measuring against baselines, our reduction of our waste amounts, improving recycling and energy efficiency. Travel is a key component and also...

Trichoderma green mould diagnostics

Diagnostic assays for improved disease management

Green Belt Areas - Fife

Fife Council mapped green belt areas in which development is strictly controlled to manage the boundaries of urban settlements in the long term

Green belt - South Ayrshire

Boundaries for designated greenbelts as defined in the South Ayrshire Local Development Plan. The greenbelt areas provide an effective method of: • protecting the operational needs of Prestwick...

Perth & Kinross Green Belt

Perth Green Belt from the 2019 Perth & Kinross Council Adopted Local Development Plan 2