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Bristol City Council Events

Bristol plays host to hundreds of events each year, from local street parties to large-scale sporting events like the Half-Marathon. This feed provides a list of these events.

Ipswich Borough Council - Allotments

In 2005 Ipswich Borough Council approved its first Allotment Strategy for all Borough-owned allotment sites in Ipswich. The provision of allotments is a statutory duty, with Local Authorities...

Council house bids and lettings

A dataset providing the number of bids per letting, by year, area, property type. Also contained is information about the winning applicant's housing priority and the year in which they were...

Council house rehousing timescales

Dataset contains the number of weeks taken to house the last applicant in a property, shows the year they were housed, their housing priority status, the type of property and the general...

Elections - parish and town councils

This dataset lists all results concerning parish and town councils.

Council land and building assets

This dataset provides a comprehensive list of council owned land and building assets which are deemed corporately owned. Some assets such as investment properties, void properties, and office...

Council properties under-occupation

Dataset showing those properties which are deemed to be under occupation. These have all had a reduction in their housing benefit. In some cases the reduction has been paid for by a Discretionary...

Cemeteries - Craven District Council

Open Space, Sport and Recreation Facilities assessed via CDC Open Space, Sport and Recreation Facilities Assessment, and will therefore be protected by INF3.

Council procurement card transactions

Local Government procurement card transactions.

Customer Satisfaction - Council Tax

Customer satisfaction survey results for the Council Tax call centre. Surveys are conducted every quarter and surveying runs for 1 month

Council Tax Collection Rate

This indicator is part of the Council's corporate indicator set - K1 R1. These results are published every 6 months, at the half year and year end. The figure given is the percentage of the...

Assets - Craven District Council

A comprehensive list of council owned land and building assets which are deemed corporately owned.

Allotments - Craven District Council

Allotment gardens are available for a minimal yearly fee and are a great way to grow your own fruit and vegetables, make new friends and keep fit in the great outdoors.

Council Tax Customer Satisfaction

Council Tax Customer Satisfaction survey 2018/19 - customer calls conducted quarterly

Council Tax Collection Rate

This indicator is part of the Council's corporate indicator set - K1 R1. These results are published every 6 months, at the half year and year end. The figure given is the percentage of the...

Councillors of Woking Borough Council

A link to Woking Borough Council's website showing all of the Borough Councillors

Council spend over £500

Data showing Plymouth City Council spend over £500.

Spelthorne Borough Council INSPIRE

Spelthorne Borough Council INSPIRE datasets

Lichfield District Council Constitution

The Lichfield District Council constitution provides an important means of enabling citizens and stakeholders to understand how the council makes decisions and who is responsible for those decisions.

Bristol City Council Grants

Bristol City Council Grants to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations. For each identified grant, the following information is published: date the grant was awarded time...