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Civil Parish Council Tax Level Data

OpenDataCommunities is the official UK Department for Communities and Local Government linked data platform. The platform provides a selection of official statistics and data outputs on a variety...

Species point records from 1981 James south Cornwall sublittoral survey

The principal aim of this survey was to record community and habitat information from the rocky sublittoral along the coast of Cornwall from Land's End to Nare Head (10 km north-east of Falmouth)....

Species point records from 1987 OPRU HRE Christchurch Harbour survey

Christchurch Harbour is situated in east Dorset, approximately mid-way between Poole Harbour and the Solent. It was formed during the post glacial marine transgression which drowned the combined...

Habitat point records from 1981 James south Cornwall sublittoral survey

The principal aim of this survey was to record community and habitat information from the rocky sublittoral along the coast of Cornwall from Land's End to Nare Head (10 km north-east of Falmouth)....

Habitat point records from 1987 OPRU HRE Christchurch Harbour survey

Christchurch Harbour is situated in east Dorset, approximately mid-way between Poole Harbour and the Solent. It was formed during the post glacial marine transgression which drowned the combined...

Joule II Project Paper: Safety of the underground disposal of carbon dioxide

The risks associated with the transport and injection of carbon dioxide are reasonably well understood and already borne in the USA. There is a remote possibility that CO2 disposed of underground...

Article 4 Northumberland

An Article 4 Direction is made by a Local Planning Authority and confirmed by the Government. It serves to restrict Permitted Development rights usually in Conservation Areas. The aim of an...

Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority - cases resolved 2013-14

Anonymised data on cases resolved by CICA from April 2013 to March 2014 Claims are assessed against the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme in use at the time of the application. Injuries...

2011 University of Exeter (UoE) Plymouth Sound. Investigation into the cumulative small scale impacts on the Plymouth Sound SAC

In this study, this theory was examined to understand the effects of cumulative disturbances through a field based test. It examined the effects of different disturbances (crab tiling and mooring)...

Natural neighbourhoods

Natural neighbourhoods are neighbourhood definitions and boundaries created during a consultation with Edinburgh residents. Natural neighbourhood boundaries were created in 2004 as part of a review...

Intertidal Sediment Survey of Cosheston Pill with Reference to Shelduck Distribution

Cosheston Pill provides an important sanctuary for a number of wildfowl and wader species including redshanks, curlew and shelduck. Previous studies had shown that in Cosheston Pill shelduck...

Smoke Control Zone Northumberland

These are parts of the UK which have been designated by the Council to reduce smoke emissions from domestic fires. The designation makes it illegal to burn any un-authorised fuels and that an...

Libraries - Scotland

Each Local Authority should have a list of libraries within their Council area. These may be static i.e. located in one building all of the time, or mobile i.e. they are in vehicles that attend a...

1800-1954 Fauna of Strangford Lough and neighbouring coasts

Information on seven species; Caryophyllia smithii, Sabellaria alveolata, Serpula vermicularis, Modiolus modiolus, Ostrea edulis, Nucella lapillus, and Echinus esculentus, from Williams (1954)...

2001, Hydroseach Associates Ltd, Gunfleet Sands Offshore Wind Farm, Landfall Site Investigation

During the course of the geophysical cable route investigation by TITAN ENVIRONMENTAL SURVEYS LTD for the proposed wind farm development on Gunfleet sands it was noted that the proposed landfall...

Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council Conservation Areas

Conservation Areas Development within or otherwise affecting the setting of a conservation area will only be permitted where it preserves or enhances the character or appearance of the conservation...

Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council Conservation Areas

Conservation Areas Development within or otherwise affecting the setting of a conservation area will only be permitted where it preserves or enhances the character or appearance of the conservation...

London pubs audit

As part of the Cultural Infrastructure Plan, an annual audit of pubs using the Inter-Departmental Business Register data is produced. The most recent report, with data up to March 2022, shows that...

Species point records from 1982 Jones Menai Strait littoral rock survey

This survey was undertaken as part of a general study of the Menai Strait, commisioned by NCC, required to assist in decisions related to its designation as one of Britain's Marine Nature Reserves....

Habitat point records from 1982 Jones Menai Strait littoral rock survey

This survey was undertaken as part of a general study of the Menai Strait, commisioned by NCC, required to assist in decisions related to its designation as one of Britain's Marine Nature Reserves....