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Climate change and transport choices

SPSS dataset containing the anonymised responses from the survey conducted to inform the development of the DfT segmentation model of public attitudes to climate change and transport choices.

English Enterprise Zone Sites

Polygon dataset showing each site of each Enterprise Zone in England with associated details. Each Zone lead organsiation have digitised these sites in different ways and to different levels of...

Matched survey sampling and survey response files for GHS, SEH, FRS, LFS.

Developing small area estimates

Area Management - Standing approvals for use of chemical dispersants in response to oil spills

Areas where standing approvals permit the application of a limited quantity of chemical dispersants, without the permission of Marine Scotland, to respond to an oil spill. Two areas exist at the...

Survey responses from farmers on strengthening agricultural drought resilience in Thailand, 2020

This dataset contains the results of a farmers’ survey in the Ping Catchment in Thailand. The aim of this survey was to identify the specific socioeconomic impacts that historical droughts in the...

Cellulolytic decomposition in Welsh upland rivers in response to organic matter addition (2013)

These data are cellulolytic decomposition in eight Welsh upland rivers with contrasting land-use, moorland and exotic conifer, in response to riparian deciduous leaf addition. Eight sampling...

Macroinvertebrate composition of Welsh upland rivers in response to organic matter addition (2013)

These data are macroinvertebrate composition and size in eight Welsh upland rivers with contrasting land-use, moorland and exotic conifer, in response to riparian deciduous leaf addition. Eight...

Protected Zone Plots Additional GB 10K Grid 2014

Survey sites used to confirm the absence/presence of bark beetle species, Pinewood Nematode and Pitch Pine Canker. The PZ plots defined by this set of data reflect a proposed 2 year, annual survey...

Protected Zone Plots Additional GB 10K Grid 2015

Survey sites used to confirm the absence/presence of bark beetle species, Pinewood Nematode and Pitch Pine Canker. The PZ plots defined by this set of data reflect a proposed 2 year, annual survey...

OS Mastermap Highways Network - Paths

OS MasterMap® Highways Network – Paths is the most accurate and authoritative path network dataset for Great Britain. It reveals who's responsible for all the footpaths through towns and...


*** THIS DATA IS UPDATED DAILY *** Vacant Space is defined as floor space available for occupation either at a holding or occupation level. The ‘Vacant Space’ dataset provides details of any...


*** THIS DATA IS UPDATED DAILY *** A property is defined as a separate unit, comprising an area of land with or without buildings. The ‘Property’ dataset provides information about the...

GB Driving Licence Data

These data sets contain data on current driving licences issued by the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA). The DVLA is responsible for issuing driving licences in Great Britain (GB)....

Ministry of Justice FoI requests

Case management system for FoI requests received by the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) categorised by: date received; name of applicant; whether information requested is held; exemptions used (if...

Environmental Regulations Unit Database

A list of all stakeholders (trade associations, companies, NGOs, consultants, law firms and individuals) that have requested to be kept updated on the environmental regulations for which BIS has...

The Database of Teacher Records

The Database of Teacher Records is a byproduct of the administration of the Teachers' Pension Scheme. The provision of data to the scheme is a statutory requirement. It includes teachers and...

Subjective wellbeing, 'Life Satisfaction', standard deviation

Standard deviation of responses for 'Life Satisfaction' in the First ONS Annual Experimental Subjective Wellbeing survey. The Office for National Statistics has included the four subjective...

Subjective wellbeing, 'Happy Yesterday', standard deviation

Standard deviation of responses for 'Happy Yesterday' in the First ONS Annual Experimental Subjective Wellbeing survey. The Office for National Statistics has included the four subjective...

Subjective wellbeing, 'Worthwhile', standard deviation

Standard deviation of responses for 'Worthwhile' in the First ONS Annual Experimental Subjective Wellbeing survey. The Office for National Statistics has included the four subjective well-being...

Percentage of MPs' letters responded to within service standard

The number of letters received by UK Visas & Immigration from Members of Parliament and the number and proportion that were completed within the service standards set by the Cabinet Office....