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733 results found

Lost worker vs. tourism expenditure in the Central Activities Zone (CAZ) during the COVID-19 Pandemic

During the pandemic, the loss of expenditure in London’s Central Activities Zone (CAZ) due to both workers staying at home and tourists being unable or choosing not to visit has had a major impact...

FSA Audits of Approved Meat Establishments

Food Standards Agency (FSA) audits of approved meat establishments (slaughterhouses, cutting plants and game handling establishments) in Britain. For further information, please visit [Food...

Leeds libraries

A dataset of all libraries in Leeds, including the geolocation, accessibility information, opening times and services offered at each...

Home adaptations

A dataset providing information on assisted living adaptations by ward area.  Please note ----------- * For further information on adaptations please...

Sports Classes and Participation

Sports classes in Council Sports Centres including, class, capacity and attendance. For more details on sports classes visit [Calderdale Sports and...

Doncaster Brownfield Land Register

The Council has published Part 1 of its Brownfield Land Register which provides up-to-date and consistent information on brownfield sites that the Council considers as being appropriate for...

Refuse Tips

These are landfills believed to have received putresible waste. The information is from historic or current maps or records, information received or visits, it may not have been verified and may...

Hackney City Fringe

Two zones in the City Fringe during peak hours, will be restricted to walking, cycling and low emissions vehicles only. These zones, known as ultra low emissions streets, or ULEV streets. For more...

Sexual and Reproductive Health Services Activity, England

Non-disclosive dataset of activity taking place in the community at dedicated Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) services, including activity at non NHS service providers where available. SRH...

WiFi spots

A dataset showing a list of free wifi hotspots provided by Bradford MDC including the full postal address and the longitude and latitude breakdown of each spot. Further information For further...

Planning statutory newspaper notices

This dataset lists all the planning statutory newspaper notices which are published in the local print media. Additional information ---------------------- * For further information on planning...

Household Projections

Calderdale Household Projections 2018 to 2043 published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) on 29 June 2020. ONS update this data set every two years. For more information on national...

Transparency information from Northumberland County Council

Northumberland County Council believes transparency is a key condition and driver for the delivery of council services. As a publicly funded organisation, the council has a duty to the...

Net Housing Consents

Net Housing Consents *These figures are only verified through the housing monitoring site visits undertaken bi-annually. Full breakdowns of net housing completions and consents are produced six...

War memorials

A dataset showing the location of war memorials maintained by Leeds City Council. Additional Information ---------------------- * Please note this dataset is reviewed annually though may only...

Street lights (unmetered)

This dataset provides a list of all street lighting apparatus in Leeds that is unmetered (e.g. without an electricty meter). This forms the vast majority of our apparatus. Further...

Gross Additional Homes Provided

Gross Additional Homes Provided *These figures are only verified through the housing monitoring site visits undertaken bi-annually. Full breakdowns of net housing completions and consents are...

Inner and Outer London Boundaries (London Plan Consultation 2009)

Inner and Outer London as defined in the London Plan Consultation 2009, represented as two polygons and based on Borough boundaries. One of several different versions of inner and outer...

Tourism Trips, Borough

London Borough level tourism trip estimates (thousands). The ‘top-down’ nature of the [Local Area Tourism Impact (LATI)...

Food Hygiene Rating

City of York Council’s data on Food Hygiene Rating in the city. The food hygiene rating or inspection result given to a business reflects the standards of food hygiene found on the date of...