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319 results found

Plynlimon research catchment high-frequency hydrochemistry data

This dataset includes rainfall, river and stream hydro-chemistry data from the River Hafren (Severn). The dataset represents high-frequency (7 hourly) monitoring of stream hydrochemistry at both...

Main Rivers

The statutory main river map is a 1:10,000 scale spatial (polyline) dataset that defines statutory watercourses designated by Natural Resources Wales as main rivers. The data is for Wales...

Independent living

This data has been taken from LG Inform at data reference ID 31. It shows the percentage of vulnerable people achieving independent living in Plymouth from...

Species point records from 1988 UMBSM Lochs a' Chairn Bhain, Glencoul & Glendhu survey

Loch Cairnbawn is one of the most northerly of Scottish sea lochs, only Lochs Laxford, Dughaill and Inchard lying further north on the west coast. The `Y'-shaped loch system, comprising Lochs a'...

Species point records from 1988 MNCR Lochs Duich, Long and Alsh survey

Lochs Duich, Long and Alsh lie on the Scottish west coast, to the east of Skye. They were surveyed in 1988 as part of a major survey of Scottish sealochs. Loch Duich is a long narrow loch with...

Species point records from 1988-89 MNCR Loch Linnhe survey

Loch Linnhe forms the submerged western end of the Great Glen Fault which divides the highlands in two between Inverness and Fort William. With Lochs Etive, Creran, a'Choire, Leven and Eil...

Habitat point records from 1988 UMBSM Lochs a' Chairn Bhain, Glencoul & Glendhu survey

Loch Cairnbawn is one of the most northerly of Scottish sea lochs, only Lochs Laxford, Dughaill and Inchard lying further north on the west coast. The `Y'-shaped loch system, comprising Lochs a'...

Habitat point records from 1988 MNCR Lochs Duich, Long and Alsh survey

Lochs Duich, Long and Alsh lie on the Scottish west coast, to the east of Skye. They were surveyed in 1988 as part of a major survey of Scottish sealochs. Loch Duich is a long narrow loch with...

Habitat point records from 1988-89 MNCR Loch Linnhe survey

Loch Linnhe forms the submerged western end of the Great Glen Fault which divides the highlands in two between Inverness and Fort William. With Lochs Etive, Creran, a'Choire, Leven and Eil...

Further Education and Skills in England: Quarterly Data

Quarterly updated data on Further Education and Skills participation and achievements. The data shows participation and achievement broken down by year, funding stream and qualification...

Mineral Occurrences Database

Dataset of mineral occurrences in the UK including locations of known mines, mineral showings and localities, including sites where minerals of economic interest have been identified in panned...

Molecular analysis of freshwater bacterial biofilm communities under experimentally manipulated dissolved organic carbon regimes at Llyn Brianne (2014)

These data consist of raw 16S rRNA gene sequences for the bacterial communities in three upland Welsh river sites under different treatments. A mapping file with metadata for each sample is...

National-scale geodatabase of catchment characteristics in the Philippines

This dataset contains a national-scale geodatabase of stream network and river catchment characteristics in the Philippines. It presents detailed information on 128 medium- to large-sized...

Pontbren Llyn Hir study site soil water tension data

This dataset is from an array of tensiometers measuring soil water tension installed at the Llyn Hir monitoring site within the Pontbren study site in mid Wales, UK. Three tensiometers were...

Further Education Activity

The data presents a range of analysis regarding enrolments in the NI FE Sector covering academic years. The data cover the characteristics of those enrolling in FE colleges and trends across a...

Species point records from 1987-88 MNCR Berwick to Beadnell and the Farne Islands survey

The survey area between Berwick and Beadnell lies on the North Sea coast just south of the Scottish border. It includes Holy Island and Budle Bay. The area is essentially rural and attracts a...

Species point records from 1982 OPRU Jura and Islay sublittoral survey

1. This report describes the results of surveys of nearshore sublittoral habitats and communities around the Hebridean islands of Jura and Islay in June and July 1982. 2. Sites were selected to...

Habitat point records from 1987-88 MNCR Berwick to Beadnell and the Farne Islands survey

The survey area between Berwick and Beadnell lies on the North Sea coast just south of the Scottish border. It includes Holy Island and Budle Bay. The area is essentially rural and attracts a...

Habitat point records from 1982 OPRU Jura and Islay sublittoral survey

1. This report describes the results of surveys of nearshore sublittoral habitats and communities around the Hebridean islands of Jura and Islay in June and July 1982. 2. Sites were selected to...

Species point records from 1991 UMBSM Lochs Laxford, Inchard, Broom & Little Loch Broom survey

Four sealochs, Lochs Laxford, Inchard, Broom and Little Loch Broom were surveyed between the 10th and 22nd May 1991 based on board the 59' charter vessel M.V.`Salutay`. The UMBSM/MNCR survey team...