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459 results found

National Plant Monitoring Scheme survey data (2015-2022)

This data resource provides plot-level plant occurrence data for the first eight years (2015-2022) of the National Plant Monitoring Scheme (covering the UK, the Channel Islands, and the Isle of...

Habitat, vegetation, tree and soil data from Native Pinewoods in Scotland, 2018-2022

A set of data arising from a detailed ecological re-survey of the native Scots Pine woodland habitats within Scotland. In all, 27 woods from throughout Scotland were identified as the major...

Cardiovascular Anticipatory Care Screenings

Information on Cardiovascular Anticipatory Care Screenings was published in 2011 and 2012 to support the reporting of a HEAT (Health Improvement, Efficiency, Access to Services and Treatment)...

Environmental Change Network (ECN) Wytham deer exclosure experiment: 1997-2008

The Environmental Change Network (ECN) coarse-grain and woodland protocols were used to assess the vegetation within the deer exclosure plots at the ECN Wytham site. In the ECN coarse-grain...

People on Universal Credit - LSOA

The number of Universal Credit claimants includes those who have started Universal Credit (completed the Universal Credit claim process and accepted their Claimant Commitment) and have not had a...

Metropolitan Police Service - Recorded Crime: Borough Rates

Numbers of recorded offences, and rates of offences per thousand population, by broad crime grouping, by financial year and borough. Rate is given as per thousand population, and are calculated...

Listed Buildings in the Borough of Great Yarmouth

Under the provisions of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 data was collated by English Heritage into ‘A List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic...

Hemispherical photographs for estimation of leaf area index of Caatinga vegetation in Brazil, 2017-2019

The dataset contains raw hemispherical photographs of canopy structure representative for 0.5 ha permanent plots (26) across Caatinga area in Brazil. The photographs were taken between March 2017...

Plant species composition of a meadow sward exposed to grazing treatments at Somerford Mead, Oxford 1987-2014

This dataset includes a description of the flora on Somerford Mead, Oxford for the period 1987 to 2014. During the period 1991 to 2014, a grazing experiment was conducted on the meadow, in which...

Invertebrate herbivory data across a natural soil temperature gradient in Iceland from May-July 2017

This is a dataset of environmental data, vegetation cover, and community- and species-level invertebrate herbivory, sampled at 14 experimental soil plots in the Hengill geothermal valley, Iceland,...

Habitat data from grassland, moorland and woodland restoration sites in South West England in 2014

This dataset contains vegetation abundance data and sward height data from a number of plots across a restoration gradient within South West England. The restoration gradient covered intensive land...

Calluna vulgaris root length and fungal colonisation data from the Climoor long-term climate change experiment in Clocaenog forest, UK (2015)

This dataset contains root length, biomass and fungal colonisation data for Calluna vulgaris from control, drought and warming treated soils from the long term climate change experiment in...

Traits data from trees exposed to a 50% reduction in canopy throughfall for 14 years in Caxiuanã, Brazil, September to October 2016

Data comprise tree trait data collected during September and October 2016 (the peak dry season), in the Caxiuanã National Forest Reserve, eastern Amazon, Brazil. 17 traits (including plot type,...

National Plant Monitoring Scheme survey data (2015-2020)

This data resource provides plot-level plant occurrence data for the first six years (2015-2020) of the National Plant Monitoring Scheme (NPMS, covering the UK, the Channel Islands, and the Isle of...

Biomass, mycorrhizal colonization, carbon and nitrogen content of Scots pine and birch seedlings grown in soil from mixed and monoculture stands

Seedlings were grown in soil collected from an experiment at Hambleton Forest, North Yorkshire. Soils originated from plots containing either Scots pine or birch monocultures, or a mixture of both...

Marked & Measured Routes in Parks and Open Spaces

Marked and Measured pre-plotted routes of 1k, 2.5k or 5k which can be walked, run or cycled at your own pace - all for free. The majority of the routes cross footpaths and grassed areas and...

Soil chemical and physical properties from inorganic fertiliser additions to grassland at North Wyke, Henfaes and Easter Bush, UK (2016)

The data consist of soil physicochemical and biological data for three soil depths (0-15, 15-30 and 30-60 cm) from a three-cut silage plot trial located at three grassland sites within the UK...

Soil biological properties from an inorganic fertiliser (grass trial) experiment at North Wyke, Henfaes Farm and Easter Bush, UK (2016)

The data nitrogen gene data, soil biodiversity indices and microbial community composition, for three soil depths (0-15, 15-30 and 30-60 cm) from a three-cut silage plot trial located at three...

Web map service for Model estimates of expected diversity of positive plant habitat condition indicators

This web map shows positive plant habitat condition indicators across Great Britain (GB). This data provides a metric of plant diversity weighted by the species that you would expect and desire to...

Mortality surveys of large trees in Danum Valley and Sepilok Reserve, Sabah, Malaysia, 2019

This data represents a survey of all the large trees in permanent forest plots in Danum Valley and Sepilok Reserve, Sabah, Malaysia to determine whether they were dead or alive in 2019. The data...