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North Norfolk District Council LDF Town Centre

This dataset contains the areas classified under the Local Development Framework as town centre

North Norfolk District Council Tourist Information Centres

This dataset contains the premises where North Norfolk District Council provides information services to the local residents and holiday makers

North Norfolk District Council SSP Proposed Retail

This dataset contains the areas identified under the Site Specific Proposals element of the Local Development Framework as suitable sites for retail development

North Norfolk District Council Potentially Contaminated Land

This dataset is relevant to the Contaminated Land Regulations 2000 and records the location and extent of land which may be contaminated due to a previous use. Only the metadata is available as the...

North Norfolk District Council Locally Listed Buildings

Buildings of historical significance placed on a local heritage list which are not protected by statute but have additional policies to protect their place in the local community

North Norfolk District Council LDF Open Space

This dataset contains the areas of land where development will not be permitted except where it enhances the open character or recreational use of the land

North Norfolk District Council Compulsory Purchase Orders

Areas of land that have been acquired using compulsory purchase powers within North Norfolk

North Norfolk District Council Article 4 Direction

This dataset relates to areas of land where planning permission is required, which would normally not be required, to assist in the protection of other heritage assets

North Norfolk District Council LDF Settlement Boundary

This dataset contains the areas defined under the Local Development Framework as settlement areas.

North Norfolk District Council Tree Preservation Orders

This dataset records the extent and location of Tree Preservation Orders within the North Norfolk geographical area

Procurement Information for North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service

The government recommends that organisations publish expenditure over £500.

Spending Information for North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service

No description provided

Fraud Information for North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service

No description provided

Brownfield Land Register - North Warwickshire Borough Council

This page contains North Warwickshire Borough Councils Brownfield Land Register

Infaunal taxonomic analysis (abundance and biomass) data from North Sea and North East Scotland

Infaunal taxonomic analysis from survey 0911S on the research vessel Scotia. This was a Scottish Marine Protected Areas (SMPA) site identification survey.

Seabed still images GIS (point) data from North Sea and North East Scotland

Seabed still images GIS (point) data from the survey 0911S on the research vessel Scotia. This was a Scottish Marine Protected Areas (SMPA) site identification survey.

Seabed still images and videos from Graveyard during North Sea and North East Scotland

Seabed still images and videos from Graveyard during the survey 0911S on the research vessel Scotia. This was a Scottish Marine Protected Areas (SMPA) site identification survey.

Seabed still images and videos from Sumbrugh during North Sea and North East Scotland

Seabed still images and videos from Sumbrugh during the survey 0911S on the research vessel Scotia. This was a Scottish Marine Protected Areas (SMPA) site identification survey.

2002 Eelgrass in the intertidal habitats, North Norfolk Coast in the Wash & North Norfolk Coast SAC

Survey name: 2002 Eelgrass in the intertidal habitats, North Norfolk Coast in the Wash & North Norfolk Coast SAC This is a collation of surveys to gather data and evidence from a variety of...

Saltmarshes in Wash and North Norfolk Coast
