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Worklessness Summary Statistics: Claimant count

Claimant Count; the number and percentage of claimants of Jobseeker's Allowance, broken down by age band and duration of claim. Source: Office for National Statistics (ONS),Department for Work and...

Growth and physiological measurements of Leontodon hispidus and Succisa pratensis after ozone exposure and elevated nitrogen input from an ozone field release system, North Wales, 2016-2018

The data presented are growth and physiological measurements from an ozone exposure experiment, during which grassland forbs, Leontodon hispidus and Succisa pratensis were exposed to low, medium...

Tracking Economic and Child Income Deprivation at Neighbourhood Level in England

Describes and presents key findings from analysis of the Economic Deprivation Index (EDI) and the Children in Income Deprived households Index (CIDI). The EDI and CIDI track levels of economic...

Proportion of Employee Jobs in Selected Industry Sectors by English NUTS Regions

This data details the proportion of employee jobs in selected industry sectors by NUTS areas. Data is on a NUTS1 or NUT2 geographical level, depending on the availability of data at a lower spatial...

Jobseekers Allowance (JSA) claimants by age and duration

Jobseekers Allowance (JSA) claimants analysed by their age and the duration of their claim. Source: Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) Publisher: Nomis Geographies: Lower Layer Super Output...

Jobseekers Allowance (JSA) claimant flows

Monthly count of claimants who either a) were claiming Job Seekers allowance (stocks) on the count date, b) ended a claim (off-flows) during the previous accounting month or c) started a new claim...

Complications associated with diabetes (CCGOIS 2.8)

Indirectly age and sex standardised ratio of complications associated with diabetes including emergency admissions for diabetic ketoacidosis and lower limb amputation, in people with...

UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) Cairngorm environmental and phenological data derived from fixed-point repeat photography, 2002-2019

This dataset includes the dates and/or duration of all the environmental and phenological events that could be derived from a series of photographs taken by a fixed-point repeat camera system at...

Housing Benefit/Council Tax Benefit Claimants at small area level

Housing Benefit can be claimed by a person if they are liable to pay rent and if they are on a low income. Council Tax Benefit is designed to help people on low-income to pay their Council Tax. The...

Pan-trap survey data from the UK Pollinator Monitoring Scheme, 2017-2020 version 2

This dataset contains samples and occurrences of insects and flowers collected for the 1 km square survey of the UK Pollinator Monitoring Scheme (PoMS). It covers the years 2017 to 2020 (note that...

Lower Layer Super Output Area (2001) to Ward (2009) Lookup in England and Wales

A best-fit lookup between 2001 lower layer super output areas (LSOA) and electoral wards/divisions as at 31 December 2009.  (File Size - 2 MB).For more information and an overview of best-fitting...

Lower Layer Super Output Area (2001) to Ward (2005) Lookup in England and Wales

A best-fit lookup between 2001 lower layer super output areas (LSOA) and electoral wards/divisions as at 31 December 2005.  (File Size - 2 MB)For more information and an overview of best-fitting...

Lower Layer Super Output Area (2001) to Ward (2007) Lookup in England and Wales

A best-fit lookup between 2001 lower layer super output areas (LSOA) and electoral wards/divisions as at 31 December 2007.  (File Size - 2 MB)For more information and an overview of best-fitting...

Lower Layer Super Output Area (2011) to Ward (2015) Lookup in England and Wales

A best-fit lookup between 2011 Lower Layer Super Output Areas (LSOA) and 2015 electoral wards (WD) as at 31 December 2015.  (File Size - 6 MB)  For more information and an overview of best-fitting...

Lower Layer Super Output Area (2001) to Ward (2002) Lookup in England and Wales

A best-fit lookup between 2001 lower layer super output areas (LSOA) and electoral wards/divisions as at 31 December 2002.  (File Size - 2 MB)For more information and an overview of best-fitting...

Lower Layer Super Output Area (2001) to Ward (2006) Lookup in England and Wales

A best-fit lookup file between 2001 lower layer super output areas (LSOA) and electoral wards/divisions as at 31 December 2006.  (File Size - 2 MB)For more information and an overview of...

Lower Layer Super Output Area (2001) to Ward (2008) Lookup in England and Wales

A best-fit lookup between 2001 lower layer super output areas (LSOA) and electoral wards/divisions as at 31 December 2008.  (File Size - 2 MB).For more information and an overview of best-fitting...

Lower Layer Super Output Area (2001) to Ward (2011) Lookup in England and Wales

A best-fit lookup between lower layer super output areas (LSOA) and electoral wards/divisions as at 31 December 2011.  (File Size - 2 MB).For more information and an overview of best-fitting follow...

Lower Layer Super Output Areas (December 2011) Map - North East Region

A PDF map showing the lower layer super output areas in the North East Region of England as at December 2011. (File Size - 15 MB)

Lower Layer Super Output Areas (December 2011) Map - South West Region

A PDF map showing the lower layer super output areas in the South West Region of England as at December 2011. (File Size - 14 MB)