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1,028 results found

Maternal and Newborn Outcomes Review

Maternal and Newborn Outcomes Review

Number of FOI reviews received

Number of FOI reviews received

Number of EIR reviews received

Number of EIR reviews received

Chief Secretary To The Treasury's Review

On 23 May 2012, the Government published a review of the tax arrangements of public sector appointees. The review identified the number of off payroll engagements worth more than £58,200 per annum...

Projection Methodology Independent Review

In late 2016 the GLA's Demography team commissioned the Centre for Change at the University of Southampton to udertake a comprehensive review of methodology and implementation of the GLA Trend...

Waste food disposal options review

Review of options for disposal of food contaminated with biological threat list agents

Child death review data release 2023

The data in this report summarise the number of child deaths up to 31 March 2023 and the number of reviews of children whose death was reviewed by a CDOP before 31 March 2023.

Child death review data release 2024

The data in this report summarise the number of child deaths up to 31 March 2024 and the number of reviews of children whose death was reviewed by a CDOP before 31 March 2024.

Child death review data release 2022

This data release covers child deaths notified and reviewed between 2021 and 2022, and gives readers an opportunity to explore comprehensive child death review data for themselves. The National...

Child Death Reviews Completed In England

The number of child deaths which have been reviewed by Child Death Overview Panels (CDOPs) in the year ending 31 March, including the number which were assessed as having modifiable...

Byelaws - Ministry of Defence Site Review Programme

The attached table shows those sites which the Byelaws Review Project Board has determined require detailed review to ascertain whether they should be the subject of new byelaws and will be subject...

Statistical Review of Northern Ireland Agriculture

Compendium of Northern Ireland Agricultural statistics. Source agency: Agriculture and Rural Development (Northern Ireland) Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title:...

% of FOI reviews responded to 'In Time'

% of FOI reviews responded to 'In Time'

% of EIR reviews responded to 'In Time'

% of EIR reviews responded to 'In Time'

Child death review data release 2021

Child death review data release 2021 The National Child Mortality Database (NCMD) was notified of 3,068 child deaths in England between April 2020 and March 2021. The data was collected as part...

Public order policing review research findings

This data shows the results of surveys carried out in September 2011 that supported a review of public order policing. This survey was produced by ICM on behalf of HMIC.

Review of Tax Arrangements of Public Sector Appointees

On 23 May 2012, the Government published a review of the tax arrangements of public sector pointees. The review identified the number of off-payroll engagements worth more than £58,200 per annum...

Department for Transport (DfT) Civil Service Tax Review

On 23 May 2012, the government published a review of the tax arrangements of public sector appointees. The review identified the number of off payroll engagements worth more than £58,200 per annum...

European Social Fund Provider Quarterly review reports

European Social Fund Provider Quarterly review reports, completed by the Agency with the Provider / discussion / actions agreed.

Number of Adult Social Care Service Users Reviewed

Tables showing number of completed reviews during the year, by primary care need and age. Data is from historic statutory returns. Figures are rounded to nearest 5. 2014/15 and 2015/16 figures are...