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Parks and Gardens 2016 - Craven District Council

Open Space, Sport and Recreation Facilities assessed via CDC Open Space, Sport and Recreation Facilities Assessment, and will therefore be protected by INF3.

Pipelines, Ethylene - Craven District Council

Trans-Pennine Ethylene pipeline - Wilton/Runcorn. Supplier Sabic UK Ltd

Pipelines, Gas - Craven District Council

High Pressure Natural Gas Pipelines. Data supplied by National Grid & Northern Gas Networks.

Scheduled Monuments - Craven District Council

Archaeological sites in England considered to be of national importance, with the limit of each site recorded by one or more polygons. UK dataset managed by Historic England.

Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) - Craven District Council

SSSI are the finest sites for wildlife and natural features in England, supporting many characteristic, rare and endangered species, habitats and natural features the land notified as an SSSI under...

Semi Natural Greenspace - Craven District Council

Open Space, Sport and Recreation Facilities assessed via CDC Open Space, Sport and Recreation Facilities Assessment, and will therefore be protected by INF3.

Special Area Of Conservation (SAC) - Craven District Council

A Special Area of Conservation (SAC) is the land designated under Directive 92/43/EEC on the Conservation of Natural Habitats and of Wild Fauna and Flora. UK dataset managed by Natural England.

Key Wildlife Sites

Key Wildlife Sites taken from Stroud District Council Local Plan



Waverley Brownfield Land Register

This data set provides a comprehensive list of brownfield sites across the Waverley Borough Council administrative area that are considered to be suitable, available and achievable for housing-led...

Allotments (polygon data) 2017

Dataset shows land used for allotments

Strategic Industrial Locations

Areas allocated for industry and warehousing in the Southampton City Council Local Plan

Derby City Council Historic Parks and Gardens

Historic Parks and Gardens of special historic interest in Derby, as designated by English Heritage, shown as polygons.

Listed Building

Listed Buildings of 'special architectural or historic interest', and 'Local List' within Wycombe District, polygons

DSA 2013 Retailing

Areas of land designated Retailing, Policies DM8, DM9, HWTC5, HWTC6, MR1, MR2, PR1 and PR2 of Development Site Allocations 2013, polygons

Ashfield Planning Applications 1974 - 2020

Historic planning applications in the district of Ashfield released under the LG Open Data Incentive Scheme. Data shows planning reference, date, location, description, decision date and decision.

Grounds Maintenance

This dataset shows identified areas of grounds maintenance on Council owned land in Runnymede.

Green Infrastructure

Dataset shows green infrastructure within South Ribble

Southend Leisure Centres

This dataset shows the location of the Leisure Centres within Southend. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End User Licence – INSPIRE

Green Belt (Local Plan Policy GB1)

Policy from the Runnymede Borough Council 2030 Local Plan (Adopted 16th July 2020). This dataset shows the location of Green Belt Area. The Runnymede Local Plan was adopted in 2020 and sets out our...