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22 results found

Wiltshire Council - Allotments

Council owned allotment land. WMS URL available within the XML file.

Wiltshire Council - Greenbelt

The purpose of the Green Belt is to check the unrestricted sprawl of urban development, particularly that of Bristol and Bath but also other towns and villages within or adjacent to the Green Belt...

Wiltshire Council - Settlement Boundaries

Settlement or development boundaries seek to set clear limits to towns and villages. They are designed to define the existing settlement and to identify those areas of land where development may be...

Wiltshire Council - Mineral Consultation Areas

Minerals and waste planning is the control of mineral extraction and waste management developments, through forward planning, determining planning applications, monitoring and enforcement. WMS URL...

Wiltshire Council - NOx Diffusion Tubes

Diffusive samplers (as described in paragraphs A1.08-A1.09 of the Technical Guidance LAQM.TG(09)) are widely used for indicative monitoring of ambient nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in the context of...

Wiltshire Council - Secondary School Catchment Areas

The secondary school catchment layer provides the schools catchment areas within Wiltshire. Please note that faith Schools eg. Catholic Schools do not have catchment areas and these are determined...

Wiltshire Council - Credit card spending

This dataset contains details of Wiltshire Council expenditure on corporate credit cards. Data published monthly.

Wiltshire Council - Committee agendas, minutes and reports

Wiltshire Council committee agendas, meetings, and reports, including district councils absorbed during unitary formation.

Wiltshire Council - Councillors' allowances and expenses

Wiltshire Council councillors' allowances and expenses

Wiltshire Council - Payments to suppliers

This dataset contains details of payments made by Wiltshire Council to suppliers. Data published monthly. NB: publication threshold of individual transactions exceeding £500 was reduced in August...

Wiltshire Council - Salaries and expenses

This dataset contains details of salaries and expenses for Wiltshire Council senior staff. Data published monthly.

Wiltshire Council - Hedgerow Protection

Important hedgerows (as defined in the Regulations) are protected from removal (up-rooting or otherwise destroying) by the Hedgerows Regulations 1997. Various criteria specified in the Regulations...

Wiltshire Council - Local Landscape Character Areas

Landscape Character Assessment is an objective method for describing landscape, based on the identification of generic landscape types (e.g. Open Downland) and more specific landscape character...

Wiltshire Council - Article 4 Directions

Article 4 directions are made when the character of an area of acknowledged importance would be threatened. They are most common in conservation areas. You will probably know if your property is...

Wiltshire Council - Mineral Resource Zones

Minerals and waste planning is the control of mineral extraction and waste management developments, through forward planning, determining planning applications, monitoring and enforcement. WMS URL...

Wiltshire Council - Contaminated Land

Contaminated Land polygons. Note that these sites are better described as 'POTENTIAL Sites of Contamination', and should be assessed on a case by case basis. Also note that data only exists for...

Wiltshire Council - Listed Buildings

A listed building is one which is included on a register called the "List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest", drawn up by English Heritage and approved by the Department...

Wiltshire Council - Town and Village Greens

A Town or Village Green is land over which a significant number of inhabitants of any locality have indulged as of right in lawful sports and pastimes on the land for a period of at least 20 years....

Wiltshire Council - Tree Preservation Orders

Tree Preservation Orders Polygons for Wiltshire Council. A Tree Preservation Order (TPO) is an Order made by a Council in respect of a tree(s) because the tree is considered to bring amenity value...

Wiltshire Council - Open Spaces

Open Spaces, or Green Infrastructure, allows town planners to assess a wide range of environmental and quality of life benefits (ecosystem services) for local communities. As well as open spaces...