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59 results found

Warwickshire INSPIRE Annex I and III Themes: Compass Web Map Portal

This is our Internet and intranet map portal/service for sharing our INSPIRE data. Annex [i] and [iii] GIS datasets. Data are presented here are for Warwickshire County Council. Datasets are...

Compass High Speed Rail HS2 Web Map Portal

This is our internet map portal/service for sharing all GIS datasets for the High Speed Rail (HS2) project, as the line impacts Warwickshire and the surrounding countryside. The vast majority of...

COMPASS LEP City Deal Infrastructure Web Map Portal

This is our internet map portal/service for sharing relevant map data for the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) City Deal initiative. This is mainly focused on showing housing and economic growth,...

Warwickshire Schools

A list of all of the schools in Warwickshire including Property Reference Number, Address Details and Location specified by Latitude and Longitude.

Medium Term Savings

Details of Warwickshire County Council's medium terms savings.

Recycling Centres

A list of all recycling centres across Warwickshire

School Admissions Offers - 2009

Number of school places offered in 2009, by school, including number of spaces available and distance to school if appropriate.

Pupils with SEN status

Percentage of Pupils with SEN status - School Action, School Action Plus and Statemented for 2008 - 2010

Warwickshire Councillors

An RSS Feed detailing the elected members of Warwickshire County Council and the ward they represent.

School Admissions Offers - 2010

Number of school places offered in 2010, by school, including number of spaces available and distance to school if appropriate.

Pupil numbers on roll

Number of pupils enrolled in Warwickshire schools by school from 2008 - 2010

Public Weighbridges

A list of all public weighbridges in Warwickshire, including address, telephone, capacity, approximate dimensions, opening times and fees

Museums and Galleries

A list of all museums and galleries in Warwickshire

Warwickshire Schools (Detail)

Detailed information on Warwickshire Schools, including Headteacher, email address, starting age, leaving age, governance.

Pupils by First Language

Percentage of pupils in Warwickshire Schools by first language, by school for 2008 to 2010

Area Based Grant Allocations

Details of projects receiving area based grants.

School Crossing Patrols

Locations of school crossing patrols in Warwickshire.

Country Parks

A list of all country parks in Warwickshire with contact details

Household Waste Recycling Centre Data

All the waste that goes through our Household Waste Recycling Centres in the following categories - Landfill, Energy from Waste (EfW), Composting, Recycling and Re-use. IMPORTANT CAVEATS: 1) The...

Warwickshire Ward Boundaries

A KML File detailing the Wards that make up the county of Warwickshire.