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59 results found

Country Parks

A list of all country parks in Warwickshire with contact details

Warwickshire Schools

A list of all of the schools in Warwickshire including Property Reference Number, Address Details and Location specified by Latitude and Longitude.

Local Flood Risk Management Strategy Area

Warwickshire Count Council has the responsibility to prepare, predict and manage flood risk in the county, following the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 making us a lead local flood authority.

Warwickshire Local Wildlife Sites (LWS)

This dataset shows Local Wildlife Sites (LWS) for Warwickshire County. Local Wildlife Sites are defined areas identified and selected locally for their nature conservation value. Their selection...

Compass High Speed Rail HS2 Web Map Portal

This is our internet map portal/service for sharing all GIS datasets for the High Speed Rail (HS2) project, as the line impacts Warwickshire and the surrounding countryside. The vast majority of...

COMPASS LEP City Deal Infrastructure Web Map Portal

This is our internet map portal/service for sharing relevant map data for the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) City Deal initiative. This is mainly focused on showing housing and economic growth,...

Warwickshire School Closures

This feed details the schools in warwickshire that are currently closed, the period for which they are expected to be closed and the reason for the closure.

WCC Events

Events detail for the latest including title, description, location and date information for the last five events added to the database.

Warwickshire Councillors

An RSS Feed detailing the elected members of Warwickshire County Council and the ward they represent.

WCC News

The ten latest news stories at any point in time from WCC, includes Title, description, URL and date.

Library Catalogue New Items

An RSS Feed of new items added to the WCC Library Catalogue. Data Items include: Title, Author, Category (may be multiple) and a Description which includes the ISBN reference and year of publication.

Area Based Grant Allocations

Details of projects receiving area based grants.

Warwickshire Ward Boundaries

A KML File detailing the Wards that make up the county of Warwickshire.

Bridge Height Restrictions

A list of bridges and their height restrictions

Warwickshire County Boundary

A KML file providing the outline boundary of the county of Warwickshire.

Health Deprivation

Health Deprivation and Disability Score and Rank from Indices of Multiple Deprivation 2007, by SOA. Low ranks denote greater levels of relative deprivation where 1 = most deprived SOA and 32,482 =...

Warwickshire Parish Boundaries

A KML file detailing the Parishes that make up the county of Warwickshire.

Warwickshire District and Borough Boundaries

A KML File providing the boundaries of the districts and boroughs that make up Warwickshire.

Warwickshire Super Output Areas

A Super Output Area (SOA) is a geographical area designed for the collection and publication of small area statistics. SOAs give an improved basis for comparison throughout the country because...

Bridge Weight Limits

A list of bridges and their weight limits