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39 results found

DBS list of offences that will never be filtered from a criminal record check

The list of offences that will never be filtered from a criminal record check.

DBS redress payments 2008-2013

Dataset contains redress payments made by the Disclosure and Barring Service as a result of maladministration between 2008 - 2013. Produced as part of our transparency committment.

DBS certificate volumes 2008-2013

Dataset contains DBS certificate volumes, including those submitted by paper and online as well as those which were for volunteer purposes. Data covers 2008 to July 2013. Provided as part of...

Disclosure and Barring Service response times for complaints, enquiries and disputes

Data relating to DBS responses to complaints, enquiries and disputes measured against performance standards.

DBS: performance of disclosure progress and update service

Dataset relating to DBS performance regarding disclosure progress, the informaiton disclosed and their update subscription service

DBS management and board member expenses

Disclosure & Barring Service management and board member expenses.

Disclosure and Barring Service: barring cases and appeals

Dataset relating to DBS performance regarding barring cases and appeals against barring decisions, measured against internal performance standards.

Police Disclosure Unit performance

Police performance in relation to DBS check applications each month for financial year 2015-16. It shows each police units Red, Amber and Green (RAG) status and the associated calculation used to...

DBS safeguarding referral tables

This dataset shows the number of discretionary barring referrals made to the DBS by sector in relevant calendar years. They relate to the number of referrals made by that sector and do not relate...

Basic Digital Service Key Performance Stats

A dataset containing the key performance indicators of the Basic Digital Service which provides basic DBS checks.

Organogram of Staff Roles & Salaries

Organogram (organisation chart) showing all staff roles. Names and salaries are also listed for the Senior Civil Servants. Organogram data is released by all central government departments and...

Performance figures

Performance figures for the DBS service - covering the disclosure and barring side of the business and updated on a regular basis.

Number of DBS checks issued for all Registered Bodies for 2011, 2012 and 2013

Data includes the total number of checks issued for all Registered Bodies for 2011, 2012 and 2013 to date. The information is also broken down to show the number of these checks which were for...

DBS e-bulk enabled Registered Bodies

Data shows a list of e-Bulk enabled Registered Bodies (RB), the number of checks each e-RB has submitted, via both paper and e-Bulk, over the last 12 months. The final column details which...

DBS Certificates with PNC information, Adult list and Children list information from 2002 to present.

Data shows the number of DBS Certificates issued with Police National Computer (PNC) information (convictions, cautions, warnings and reprimands), Adult list information, Child list information and...

Registered Bodies submitting less than 1500 applications table

The data details a list of all Registered Bodies who have submitted less than 1500 applications during the past 12 months (1st January 12 - 31 December 12). The spreadsheet further provides the...

Health sector Registered and Umbrella Bodies - volumes in last 12 and 24 months

Data shows a list of Registered and Umbrella Bodies that contain ‘Trust’, ‘PCT’, ‘NHS’, Healthcare’, ‘Hospital’, ‘Primary Care Trust’, ‘National Health Service’ , ‘Foundation Trust’, ‘CCG’ and...

DBS de-registered Registered Bodies

Data showing a list of Registered Bodies where registration has been cancelled within the last six months. The spreadsheet also include the address of the Registered Bodies along with the volume of...

DBS barring list data

Dataset contains current barred list data as at July 2013. Data provides number of cases closed by month of July and financial year 13/14. Also includes number on lists currently. Produced as part...

Disclosure and Barring Service: barring figures

Number of barring cases received and closed in last financial year, also includes current number on the barred lists.