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25 results found

Commonhead Boundary

The allocation boundary for Commonhead as within the Submisison Local Plan 2013. This boundary is not adopted.

Central Area Character Areas

Character Areas within the Central Area as identified within the Central Area Action Plan.

Envrionmental Permits

Business premises regulated under the Environmental Permitting Regulations 2010 (as amended), Parts A2 and B. (Industrial, Waste Operators, Radioactive Substances, Water Discharge).

Residential Parking Zones

SBC residential parking zones and EXP Match day zones. These zones have set times of parking especially for match day zones who have set days around the year.

Retail Monitoring

The use classes within defined retail boundaries as identified in the Local Plan.

Tadpole Farm Boundary

The Tadpole Farm allocation boundary as within the Submisison Local Plan 2013. This boundary is not adopted.

Retail Core Area

Boundary of Retail Core Area for Swindon Borough Council.

Tree Preservation Orders

Boundary of all TPOs within the borough of Swindon.

EXP Match Day

Match day parking zones football matches which prioritise parking for local residents and busineses played at home.

Key Employment Areas

Key Employment Areas as identified within the Adopted Local Plan.

Local Development Orders

Local development order boundaries.


Localities are urban sub divsion are component areas of the urban areas of Swindon Local Authrority Area.

Major Highway Schemes

Areas showing major work carried out for Highways and Drainage improvments.

New Eastern Villages Boundary

New Eastern Villages as within the Submission Local Plan 2013. This boundary is yet to be adopted.

Town Centre Boundary

Town Centre Boundary as identified within the Adopted Central Area Action Plan.

Open Space Areas

Protected open space as identfiied within the Adopted Local Plan.

Parks and Allotments

Provision of allotments in the non-parished areas within the Borough of Swindon.

Private Drinking Water Sampling

Locations where Private Water supplies are recorded and monitored by Swindon Borough Council.

Strategic Development Areas

Strategic Development Areas as allocated within the Adopted Local Plan.

Strategic Green Corridors

Strategic green corridors as identified within the Adopted Local Plan.