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30 results found

Waste Contract

The Transparency Code mandates local authorities to publish details of their existing waste collection contracts. Rochdale Borough Council DOES NOT have a household waste collection contract in place.

Procurement Card Transactions

Rochdale Borough Council DOES NOT use Government Procurement Cards.

Land & Property Assets - Rochdale Borough Council

Dataset of land and property assets, where the Council has either has an ownership or occupational interest. Council housing stock properties are not part of the land and property...

Social Housing Asset Value

The Transparency Code mandates local authorities to publish details of the value of housing stock held in the Housing Revenue Account. Rochdale Borough Council DOES NOT have a housing revenue...

Contaminated Land Determined Site - Rochdale Borough Council

Sites which have been determined as contaminated land in accordance with Part 2A of the 1990 Environmental Protection Act (EPA) within the District of Rochdale MBC.

Simplified Planning Zones - Rochdale Borough Council

A SPZ is a tool for stimulating and encouraging economic growth, investment and job creation. It achieves this by granting a blanket planning permission for particular types of development within...

Greenspaces (UDP June 2006) - Rochdale Borough Council

Greenspaces are a series of allocations relating to the Rochdale UDP June 2006. These allocations cover planning policies on Greenspace (Chapter 14) and Countryside and the Rural Economy (Chapter...

Tree Preservation Orders - Rochdale Borough Council

A Tree Preservation Order (TPO) is a legally enforceable order made by a local planning authority in England to protect specific trees, groups of trees or woodlands in the interests of amenity. An...

Strategic Industrial Locations (UDP June 2006) - Rochdale Borough Council

Strategic industrial locations are a series of allocations relating to the Rochdale UDP June 2006. These allocations cover planning policies on employment and the economy (Chapter 8): EC/2 –...

Rochdale Borough Council Trade Union Facility Time

The data shows detail of information relating to the number of staff who are employed by the council and also act as Trade Union Representatives. Union representative means an employee who has...

Pay Multiple and Pay Policy Statement

Rochdale Borough Council produces an annual Pay Policy Statement under Section 38 of the Localism Act 2011 which includes the policy on pay dispersion.

School Agency Spend

Transparency is at the heart of this government. As part of our ongoing commitment to increase openness and transparency we've published our School Agency Spend Data on School Agency...

Parking Data

This information relates to the parking account and parking spaces number in the Council area. It shows a breakdown of income and expenditure on the authority’s parking account and the number of...

Purchase Order Transactions

A Purchase Order is a document sent by the Council to a supplier indicating types, quantities, and agreed prices for products or services. Acceptance of a purchase order forms a contract between...

Website performance

Our website statistics represent the access and usage records for our domain.

Regeneration areas (UDP June 2006) Rochdale Borough Council

Regeneration areas are a series of allocations relating to the Rochdale UDP June 2006. These allocations cover planning policies on regeneration (Chapter 12): G/R/1 – Physical regeneration...

Town, District and Local centre boundaries (UDP June 2006) - Rochdale Borough Council

Town, District and Local centre boundaries are a series of allocations relating to the Rochdale UDP June 2006. These allocations cover planning policies on shopping and the roles of centres...

Public Health Funerals - Rochdale Borough Council

Public health funerals are funerals arranged by local authorities for those people who have died and have no known relatives to arrange or pay for their funeral; or have relatives who do not want...

Contract Register

The data lists the contracts awarded by the Council with tender/contract values over £5,000. Data has been excluded or redacted from the publication in line with guidance issued by the Local...

Fraud Data

This information relates to counter fraud work undertaken by the Council. The data relates mainly to the number of staff employed, number of investigations undertaken and the occasions when...