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77 results found

Sporting Stadiums

Point locations of sporting stadia in Nottinghamshire.

Disabled Parking

Disabled parking in the city of Nottingham.


School locations in Nottinghamshire. This data only includes publicly accessible schools and academies, and does not contain independent (private) schools.

Residential Parking

Residential Parking in the City of Nottingham.

Pay and Display Parking

Pay and Display parking in the City of Nottingham.

Adult Social Care

Location of all adult social care services in Nottingham

Open and Green Spaces

The location and boundaries of Nottingham's principal open and green spaces, categorised into broad typologies of: Amenity; Outdoor Sports Facilities; Parks and Gardens; Natural and Semi-natural;...

Smoke Control Areas

The City of Nottingham is subject to a number of Smoke Control Orders covering the whole of the City's administrative area. Smoke Control Orders declare and define Smoke Control Areas and restrict...

Article 4 Direction Areas Historic Environment

Areas whereby the Council can remove permitted development rights in order to preserve the character and amenity of an area, including the historic environment. These Directions are made by local...

Article 4 Direction Areas - Houses in Multiple Occupation

City-wide area within which permitted development rights have been removed for changes of use from C3 Dwellinghouses (family/single household occupancy dwellings) to C4 Houses in Multiple...

Cycle Hire and Hub Locations

This dataset contains approximate locations of Cycle Hub (cycle storage) and Cycle Hire facilities.

Safe Places

The location of Safe Places throughout Nottingham. The Safe Places scheme is operated by Nottingham Mencap and the buildings identified offer safe places in the community where vulnerable people...

School Catchments - Primary Sector

Catchments for Nottingham City Infant, Junior and Primary Schools for applications relating to the 2022/23 academic year. Please see the Nottingham City Council website for the latest information...

Loading Areas

Loading areas in the City of Nottingham.

School Catchments - Secondary Sector

Catchments for Nottingham City Secondary schools for applications relating to the 2022/23 academic year. Please see the Nottingham City Council website for the latest information on coordinated...

One Way Streets

One way streets in the City of Nottingham.

Bus and Tram Lanes

A bus lane is an area of the road bounded by delineated road markings and/or signs which is intended for buses only. Cyclists are also permitted to use bus lanes in Nottingham. A tram lane is an...

Primary Shopping Frontages

The extents of the Primary Shopping Frontages in Nottingham City Centre. These are the main retail streets but not exclusively.

Brownfield Register

The Government has set out its commitment to introduce a statutory brownfield register and ensure that 90% of suitable brownfield sites have planning permission for housing by 2020. The registers...

Community Centres

Location of community centres in Nottingham City. This includes council, voluntary, and privately run centres. Private community centres may not be fully complete, e.g. church halls are not...