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North Norfolk Brownfield Land Register

This data set provides a comprehensive list of brownfield sites across the North Norfolk District Council administrative area that are considered suitable for residential development regardless of...

North Norfolk District Council Leisure Buildings

This dataset contains the premises from which North Norfolk District Council delivers leisure related services

North Norfolk District Council Compulsory Purchase Orders

Areas of land that have been acquired using compulsory purchase powers within North Norfolk

North Norfolk District Council Grass Areas

This dataset contains areas of land owned by North Norfolk District Council and others which are maintained as areas of grass

North Norfolk District Council LDF Shopping

This dataset contains the areas designated under the Local Development Framework as key retail areas

North Norfolk District Council SSP Proposed Retail

This dataset contains the areas identified under the Site Specific Proposals element of the Local Development Framework as suitable sites for retail development

North Norfolk District Council Coast Erosion Risk 2105

The area of coastline predicted to erode over the next 100 years (to 2105)

North Norfolk District Council LDF Settlement Boundary

This dataset contains the areas defined under the Local Development Framework as settlement areas.

North Norfolk District Council Asset Register

This datasets contains the assets owned and/or occupied by North Norfolk District Council and their extents

North Norfolk District Council Article 4 Direction

This dataset relates to areas of land where planning permission is required, which would normally not be required, to assist in the protection of other heritage assets

North Norfolk District Council LDF Coastal Erosion Constraint Area

This is the area designated under the Local Development Framework in which restrcitions may be applied to proposed development within this area, if proposals are likely to increase coastal erosion.

North Norfolk District Council Tourist Information Centres

This dataset contains the premises where North Norfolk District Council provides information services to the local residents and holiday makers

North Norfolk District Council Section 106

This dataset records planning applications where a financial contribution towards the infrastructure or affordable housing has been secured from the applicant

North Norfolk District Council Local Development Framework Car Parks

This dataset contains parcels of land allocated as public car parks under the Local Development Framework

North Norfolk District Council Undeveloped Coast

This dataset shows the extent of the coastline in which only development that can be demonstrated to require a coastal location and that will not be significantly detrimental to the open coastal...

North Norfolk District Council Potentially Contaminated Land

This dataset is relevant to the Contaminated Land Regulations 2000 and records the location and extent of land which may be contaminated due to a previous use. Only the metadata is available as the...

North Norfolk District Council LDF Open Space

This dataset contains the areas of land where development will not be permitted except where it enhances the open character or recreational use of the land

North Norfolk District Council Admin Buildings

Premises that are operated as offices by North Norfolk District Council. This is polygon data.

North Norfolk District Council LDF Town Centre

This dataset contains the areas classified under the Local Development Framework as town centre

North Norfolk District Council Playgrounds

This dataset consist of parcels of open space that are owned by North Norfolk District Council and others which are managed as childrens playgrounds