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21 results found

Allotment Areas

An allotment garden (British English), often called simply an allotment, is a plot of land made available for individual, non-commercial gardening or growing food plants. Such plots are formed by...

Tree Preservation Orders

A layer containing TPOs are Orders made by a Council in respect of a tree(s) because the tree is considered to bring amenity value to the surrounding area. The order makes it an offence to cut...

Green Belt

This layer contains Green Belt land areas and refers to an area that is kept in reserve for an open space, most often around larger cities. The main purpose of the green belt policy is to protect...

Town Centre Areas

Town Centre Areas are defined by use of a polygon which can be used in a GIS application and that shows the areas designated as such.

Sites of Special Scientific Interest

"Sites of Special Scientific Interest" is a conservation designation denoting a protected area in the United Kingdom. SSSIs are the basic building block of site-based nature conservation...

Listed Buildings

Listed Buildings layer contains the location and description of an object or structure that has been judged to be of national importance in terms of architectural or historic interest and included...

Historic Parks and Gardens

Historic Parks and Gardens shows areas with information and where they are situated for inclusion in a GIS application.

Archaeological Areas

These are areas in North Herts. designated as areas of archaeological importance under the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979 (1)

Air Quality Monitoring Areas

Air Quality Monitoring Areas - The Environment Agency is a regulator for the release of air pollutants into the atmosphere from large, complex industrial processes. This will soon include emissions...

Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty

An Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) in North Hertfordshire is an area of high scenic quality which has statutory protection in order to conserve and enhance the natural beauty of its...

Boundary Lines

'Boundary Lines' define areas within the North Hertfordshire Authority that are Parish, Ward, Settlement and Authority areas.

Smoke Control Areas

Under the Clean Air Act local authorities may declare the whole or part of the district of the authority to be a smoke control area. It is an offence to emit smoke from a chimney of a building,...

Land Terrier Areas

Land Terrier Areas - A land terrier dataset is a record system for an institution's land and property holdings. It differs from a land registry in that it is maintained for the organisation's own...

All Payments to suppliers from North Hertfordshire District Council

This page lists reports of individual payments to suppliers within the current year on a cumulative basis. Publication of these lists forms part of the Council's commitment to be open and...

North Herts District Council Spend Data

List of all payments made to suppliers.

NHDC Land & Property Assets

North Hertfordshire District Council Open Data web pages

Conservation Areas

Conservation Areas within the North Hertfordshire District Council's authority area defined by polygons for use in a GIS application.

Settlement Boundaries

Settlement Boundaries as part of the Local Plan (Policy SP2) for North Hertfordshire District Council.

North Hertfordshire District Council Web Maps

North Hertfordshire District Council has interactive web mapping projects that allows viewing of features and their information, searching, selection of layers and printing.

Brownfield Sites

Brownfield Sites within North Hertfordshire District Council - polygon areas with codes