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  • London Borough of Sutton

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      33 results found

      Metropolitan Green Chains

      This dataset consists of the boundaries of all designated areas of green chain within the London Borough of Sutton. Green chains consists of continuous open space linkages, including areas of...

      Metropolitan Open Land

      This dataset consists of the boundaries of all designated areas of MOL within the London Borough of Sutton. Land designated as MOL is afforded the same level of protection as Green Belt. MOL...

      Public Open Space

      This dataset consists of the boundaries of all areas of public open space within the London Borough of Sutton. Publicly accessible open space consists of metropolitan parks, district parks, local...

      Established Industrial Locations

      This dataset consists of the boundaries of all established industrial locations (EIL) within the London Borough of Sutton located outside of the 3 strategic industrial locations (SILs). Designated...

      Metropolitan Green Belt

      This dataset consists of the boundaries of all designated areas of Green Belt within the London Borough of Sutton. The fundamental aim Green Belt is to prevent urban sprawl by keeping land...

      Central Setting Sutton Town Centre

      This dataset consists of the boundary of the Central setting of Sutton Town Centre. The Central setting is one of 3 broad character areas (together with North and South) which were originally...

      Playgrounds in the London Borough of Sutton

      Location of playgrounds in the London Borough of Sutton

      Libraries in the London Borough of Sutton

      Location and contact information for libraries in the London Borough of Sutton.

      Public Houses in the London Borough of Sutton

      Location, trading name and occupiers of Public Houses in the London Borough of Sutton.

      Green Corridors

      This dataset consists of the boundaries of all green corridors within the London Borough of Sutton. They largely comprise of sites of interest for nature conservation (SINCs) and other nature...

      Sutton Libraries Catalogue

      A REST API returning JSON responses to Sutton Council's library service catalogue. You can: - look up a book by ISBN - fetch realtime book availability showing which libraries have copies - get...

      Sutton Parking Dataset Regions

      Dataset shows parking restrictions on adopted highways within Sutton

      Sutton Parking Dataset Lines

      Dataset shows parking restrictions on adopted highways within Sutton

      Site Allocations

      This dataset consists of the boundaries of all site allocations within the London Borough of Sutton which have been formally designated in the adopted Site Development Policies Development Plan...

      Urban Green Space

      This dataset consists of the boundaries of all areas of urban green space (UGS) within the London Borough of Sutton. UGS includes areas of open space with restricted public access such as sports...

      Strategic Industrial Areas

      This dataset consists of the boundaries of the 3 strategic industrial locations (SILs) within the London Borough of Sutton which include Beddington SIL, Kimpton SIL and Imperial Way SIL. Each...

      Site of Importance for Nature Conservation

      This dataset consists of the boundaries of all Sites of Interest for Nature Conservation (SINCs) within the London Borough of Sutton. SINCs are divided into Sites of Metropolitan Importance for...

      Location of Schools in the London Borough of Sutton

      Location, name and type of school in the London Borough of Sutton.

      Childrens Centres in the London Borough of Sutton

      Location of Childrens centres in the London Borough of Sutton

      Parks in the London Borough of Sutton

      Name and location of parks in the London Borough of Sutton.