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202 results found

Leisure Centres

Showing location of all leisure centres in London Borough of Lambeth

Job Centre Plus sites

Shows the location of all job centre plus sites in the borough

CPZ Boundaries

Shows the boundary of the Controlled Parking Zones within London Borough of Lambeth

Parks and Open Spaces

showing locations of all parks and some of the open spaces in the london borough of lambeth

Major Development Opportunities

showing boundaries of Major Development Opportunity areas in the borough, as listed in Lambeth Planning's Core Strategy

Lambeth Portion of London Strategic Cultural Area

showing boundary of lambeth portion of london's strategic cultural area, as defined by the London Plan 2004 (produced with GLA)

Possible Contaminated Land

showing location of sites in london borough of lambeth whose previous uses could have caused the land to be contaminated

Safeguarded Waste Sites

showing boundaries of areas safeguarded for waste use in London Borough of Lambeth

Town Centre Boundaries

showing boundaries of Town Centres as defined in the London Plan and lambeth's Core Strategy; these are the larger shopping areas such as west norwood or clapham.

Conservation Areas

showing area designated by london borough of lambeth for it's special architectural and historic interest. Development and demolition in these areas requires additional consents.

Safer Neighbourhoods

showing boundaries of london borough of lambeth safer neighbourhood zones

Council Assets Cutdown

Shows the location of non-residential physical council assets


Shows the location of council and privately-run allotments in the London Borough of Lambeth

Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Zones

showing boundaries of the Community Infrastructure Levy charging zones (A,B,C) in London Borough of Lambeth

Article 4 Land

showing approximate location of areas within conservation areas that have had further restrictions placed on householders permitted development rights

Tree Protection Orders

showing location of individual trees on private land which are covered by Tree Protection Orders within London Borough of Lambeth; these protect the trees from works and felling without council...


showing location of COMAH sites in london borough of lambeth

Air Quality Monitoring Sites

showing location of all lambeth council air quality monitoring sites, and which pollutants they monitor

Air Quality Monitoring Zone

Shows the boundary of the Air Quality Monitoring Zone in London Borough of Lambeth

Compulsory Purchase Orders

shows location of all compulsory purchase orders by London Borough of Lambeth with the relevant land charges reference