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Lichfield District Council Brownfield Land Register

This page provides the data for Lichfield District Council Brownfield Land Register.

Lichfield District Council Building Control Financial Statements

Local Authorities are required by The Building (Local Authority) Regulations 2010 to publish an annual financial statement relating to their Building Regulations Chargeable and...

Lichfield District Council Rural Settlements List

List of Rural Settlements under Section 42b of the Local Government Finance Act 1988 as at 31st December 2016. Captured against Ordnance Survey open data sets. All data released is open sourced...

Lichfield District Council Street Naming Orders

This data contains the official street naming order documents for the roads within the Lichfield District.

Lichfield District Council - Local Land Charges Estimates and Final Statements

Local land Charges Estimates statements are published in line with Regulation 9 of the Local Authorities (England)(Charges for Property Searches) Regulations 2008 Statutory Instrument 2008 No...

Lichfield District Council Framework Open Space

The framwork open space of Lichfield District Council. Captured as boundaries against open source base mapping. All data released is open source with all restricted data removed.

Lichfield District Council Village Boundaries

The village boundaries of Lichfield District Council. Captured as polygons against open source base mapping. All data released is open source with all restricted data removed.

Lichfield District Council Central Rivers Initiative

The Central Rivers Initiative of Lichfield District Council. Captured as polygons against open source base mapping. All data released is open source with all restricted data removed.

Lichfield District Council Business Areas

The business areas of Lichfield District Council. Captured as boundaries against open source base mapping. All data released is open source with all restricted data removed.

Lichfield District Council Air Quality Management Areas

The air quality management areas of Lichfield District Council. Captured as boundaires against the Ordnanace Survey OSMastermap layer. All data released is open source with all restricted data...

Lichfield District Council Staffordshire District Boundaries

The Staffordshire District Boundaries covering the Lichfield District Council Area. This data has been sourced from the OS Boundary Line Product. All Data is open source with restricted data removed.

Lichfield District Council County Electoral Wards

The county electoral of Lichfield District Council. Captured as boundaries by the Ordnance Survey.

Lichfield District Council District Boundary

The district boundary of Lichfield District Council. Captured as a boundary by the Ordnance Survey.

Lichfield District Council Mobile Caravan Sites

This points of interest dataset has been sourced from the District Council’s revenue systems, Council Tax and Non domestic rates database. The data is held within the Council Local Land and...

Lichfield District Council Parishes

The parishes of Lichfield District Council. Captured as boundaries by the Ordnance Survey.

Lichfield District Council Wards

The Ward Boundaries of Lichfield District Council from the 7th May 2015. Captured as boundaries against Ordnance Survey OSmastermap layer. All data is open source with all restricted information...

Food Safety Inspections

We publish all food safety ratings for premises across Lichfield District.

Tree Preservation Orders

Protected trees in Lichfield District mapped and a registers of tree preservation orders TPOs

Lichfield District Council Facility Time

Lichfield District Council Facility Time Annual report of Trade Union Facility time. We provide our data to the Trade Union Facility Time publication service

Lichfield District Council Contract Register

We publish a contracts register in line with transparency code . Our contracts register provides information about the contracts we have in place.