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Article 4 Directions

Article 4 Direction areas are areas where "permitted development" rights have been removed. "Permitted Development" is a blanket permission granted by Government using regulations under the...

Contaminated Land

Part IIA of the Environment Act 1995 came into force on the 1st April 2000 and introduces a new regulatory role for local authorities, aimed at controlling threats to health and to the environment...


There are 45 operational allotment sites across the city offering 3200 cultivated plots in total

Local Air Quality Management

This is a zone where levels of pollutant, in this case nitrogen dioxide, are higher than the recommended government objectives and people will be regularly exposed to the levels. For example,...

Flood risk management

The city council now has responsibilities to prepare, predict and manage flood risk in the city, following the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 making us a lead local flood authority. Flooding...


Conservation Areas are parts of the city that have been designated for their special historical or architectural quality.

Regeneration areas

Leicester City Council has developed an Economic Action Plan for 2012 to 2020. The plan sets out an ambitious strategy for investment in the city?s economy until 2020. It outlines key actions where...

Listed Buildings

There are over 350 listed buildings in Leicester, which are subject to special planning controls, and the Council also maintains a 'Local Heritage Asset Register' (more commonly known as the 'Local...

Employees - Grade, Gender and Ethnicity

Breakdown of number of employees by grade, gender and ethnicity.This data will be published quarterly.

Loan Portfolio

The Council has a pool of loans that it manages.  These are amounts that are borrowed in order to mainly fund capital projects.This data will be updated as new loans are added or when loans mature.

ISA Sharing Register

This datasets contains a register of the Information Sharing Agreements (ISA) the Leicester City Council holds with other organisations.Leicester City Council only shares information with outside...

Census 2021 - MSOA populations by single year of age

The census is undertaken by the Office for National Statistics every 10 years and gives us a picture of all the people and households in England and Wales. The most recent census took place in...

Invitation to tender for contracts December 2019

Invitations to tender are used in a competitive tendering process in which suppliers or contractors are able to participate in a procurement process for the supply of specific and clearly defined...

Residential and Nursing Rates

Details of rates payable for residential and nursing care.Where additional needs have been identified the payments to providers will exceed the banded rates shown. The rate charged to Health or...

HSG Phase 2 Ward Data - Oct 22

The Household Support Grant (HSG) is a fund provided by the Department for Work and Pensions and administered by local authorities. The purpose of the fund is to provide targeted support to...

Covid-19 - Hospital admissions for broad age bands by week in Leicester

Covid 19 related hospital admissions to University Hospitals Leicester (UHL) for Leicester residents.  Age band rates per 100,000 population are based on ONS 2019 population estimates.Data is...

Senior salaries

The remuneration and job title of employees whose salary is at least £50000.This information is published annually.Note 1 - Employee is contracted for less than full time hours in this post.Note 2...

Contracts June 2016

Details of contracts, commissioned activity, purchase order, framework agreement with a value that exceeds £5,000. Data has been excluded or redacted from the publication in line with guidance...

Expenditure exceeding £500 - 2021

Details of each individual item of expenditure that exceeds £500 for the year. This includes items of expenditure consistent with Local Government Association guidance such as individual invoices,...

Invitation to tender for contracts December 2020

Invitations to tender are used in a competitive tendering process in which suppliers or contractors are able to participate in a procurement process for the supply of specific and clearly defined...