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LDNPA Article 4 directions

This dataset comprises polygons representing areas, within the Lake District National Park, that are subject to Article 4 directions. Article 4 directions revoke the planning permission granted by...

LDNPA Public Rights Of Way

The Digital Public Rights of Way (PROW) layer shows registered rights of way managed by the Lake District National Park Authority. This layer details the positions of rights of way recorded on the...

LDNPA Conservation Areas

Conservation areas are legally defined as areas of 'special architectural or historic interest, the character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance'. The special character...

LDNPA Brownfield Land Register

Brownfield sites considered to be suitable for housing development, as listed in the Lake District National Park Authority's Brownfield Land Register - Town and Country Planning (Brownfield Land...

LDNPA Tree Preservation Orders

A Tree Preservation Order (TPO) is a legally enforceable order made by the Local Planning Authority (LPA) to protect trees and woodland in the interests of public amenity. The power to make a TPO...

LDNPA Local Plan 2021

The Lake District National Park Authority Local Plan details a series of Development Plan Documents setting out the Park's adopted policies and proposals that make up the statutory development...

LDNPA The English Lake District World Heritage Site

The English Lake District World Heritage Site boundary, as designated at the 41st UNESCO Committee Convention on 12 July 2017. The boundary reflects the original 1951 Lake District National Park...

LDNPA Lake District National Park Boundary

The Lake District National Park was designated in 1951 and extended on 1 August 2016. The designation boundary has been interpreted by the Lake District National Park Authority from the 1951...