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Fatalities arising from road traffic incidents (RTIs) involving police vehicles make up the largest single group of deaths following police contact and are therefore a significant proportion of...
Statistics on complaints recorded by police forces in England and Wales. The findings in these reports concern the number and type of complaints made by members of the public and how these...
Statistics on the deaths reported on by the IPCC including suicides following release from police custody which were reported to the IPCC.
IPCC Chair, Commissioners, Chief Executive and Directors expenses in ODS format
These statistics provide details of the deaths reported on by the IPCC in each financial year, and also present figures on those suicides following release from police custody which were reported...
Report into the IPCC's experience of corruption in the police service England and Wales
Organogram (organisation chart) showing all staff roles. Names and salaries are also listed for the Senior Civil Servants. Organogram data is released by all central government departments and...
Measures trends in public confidence concerning the complaints system. The survey asks about: contact with the police; willingness to complain; barriers against complaining; ways in which members...
The report presents figures on deaths during or following police contact which occurred in the reporting year. It provides a definitive set of figures for England and Wales and an overview of the...
The research used completed investigations to gather data on all 333 deaths which occurred between 1998/99 and 2008/09. The study looks at trends in the incidents, and examines a range of themes –...