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Hyndburn Borough Council Allotment Sites ( outlines)

Approximate whole site boundaries for Statutory Allotment Sites in Hyndburn. There are a few sites with extra non-statutory sites added within the boundary. The sites are subject to revision...


Dataset shows land designated as Open Spaces in the 1996 Local Plan.

Tree Preservation Orders (TPO, TPO's) within the boundary of Hyndburn Borough Council. The first TPO was made in the early 1950's with additions at irregular intervals since then

Tree Preservation Orders have been made by Hyndburn Borough Council since the early 1950's. They are intended to preserve and protect either individual trees , groups of trees or areas of woodland...

Hyndburn Borough Council Open Spaces

Based on the 1996 Adopted Local Plan. Extract from 1996 Adopted Local Plan: POLICY H.5 When considering proposals for residential development or redevelopment the council will have regard to the...


Location of town centre shopping areas of individual towns in Hyndburn. This is Phase 2 INSPIRE compliant.