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19 results found

Hampshire Customer Service Centre Call Statistics

The number of calls to Hampshire's Customer Service Centre

Winchester Landscape Character Areas

Winchester Landscape Character Assessment - carried out by WCC. Derived from paper map sources geophysical, landcover and OS 25000 and fieldwork. Please seek permission from Winchester City...

Hampshire Planning Applications

Hampshire planning applications for Incentive Scheme publication

Hampshire County Council Land and Buildings

Hampshire County Council property data published under the Transparency Code 2014

Hampshire County Council Councillors register of interests

Hampshire County Council Councillors attendance at meetings

Hampshire County Council Recreation Sites

Location of all recreation facilities managed by Culture Communities and Rural Affairs department.

Hampshire County Council News Feed

An RSS feed of the lates news from Hampshire County Council

Hampshire Public Rights of Way

Location of paths featured on Hampshire’s Definitive Map of Public Rights of Way (not including Portsmouth and Southampton)

Hampshire County Council Councillor Gifts and Hospitality

Hantsweb Webpage Statistics

Data detailing the pages visited, bounce rate and count for Hampshire County Council's webpage, Hantsweb. The data will be updated monthly with a new csv per month

Hampshire County Council Councillor Allowances

Hampshire County Council payments to suppliers

All relevant payments of £500 or more, net of VAT, not made through Payroll, are listed. Payments from schools delegated budgets are not included at this stage.

Hampshire Libraries

Location of Hampshire’s libraries, including weblinks and email for each branch

Hampshire School Catchments

Hampshire County Council infant, primary (4-6), junior (7-10) and secondary (11-16) school catchment areas. Crosshatching indicates shared areas. Includes one Southampton and Dorset schools whose...

Hampshire Long Distance Routes

Promoted walking and horse riding routes, including the South Downs Way, Test Way and the Wayfarer’s Walk

Hampshire Offroad Cycle Routes

Hampshire's promoted off road cycle routes - broken down into 4 "packs", North, South East and West

Payments to suppliers with a value over £500 from Hampshire County Council

This page lists reports of individual payments to suppliers with a value over £500 made within the month. Publication of these lists forms part of the Council's commitment to be open and...

Hampshire Schools

Location of Hampshire’s schools, including Primary, Junior, Infant and Secondary.