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Carbon Reduction Commitment Performance Data

This dataset has now been Retired as it has been replaced by 'Information for each Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC) participant'...

Coastal Design Sea Levels - Coastal Flood Boundary Surge Shape data (2018)

This metadata record is for AfA product AfA 010. Surge Shape data is part of Coastal Design/Extreme Sea Levels,a GIS dataset and supporting information providing design / extreme sea level and...

Saltmarsh Zonation

PLEASE NOTE: 'Saltmarsh Zonation' is now retired and will no longer be updated. It has been superseded and replaced by 'Saltmarsh Extent & Zonation'. This record is for Approval for Access...

Open Data Maturity Model Environment Agency Scores

PLEASE NOTE: This dataset has now been retired. [The Data is available from the Open Data Institute on the link shown...

Historic UK Water Quality Sampling Harmonised Monitoring Scheme Detailed Data

PLEASE NOTE: This dataset has now been retired. The Harmonised Monitoring Scheme (HMS) was decommissioned in 2013, this is the final year that the dataset was produced. Water quality measurements...

Environment Agency and Natural England Public Facing Area Names v2

This is the controlled list of 14 operational area names, codes and descriptions of the Environment Agency and Natural England. This is the standard list for re-use across the Environment Agency...

Operational Hubs data standard controlled list

This is the controlled list of the 3 Environment Agency Operational Hubs and is the standard list for re-use across the Agency. An operational hub is a grouping of geographically linked Areas,...

Environment Agency to Environment Agency and Natural England Public Facing Area Names Translation

This is the Environment Agency controlled list of old (pre-April 2014) Environment Agency Area Names and current Environment Agency and Natural England Area Names. It is for cross-reference...


This record is for Approval for Access product AfA023. The Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic known as the OSPAR Convention 1998 (Oslo Convention...

Annual summary of rod licence sales

Each dataset shows the annual sales of freshwater fishing rod licences for England by numbers and income from the 1st March to the 28th February (29th in leap years). The sales are sub-divided by...

Species Surveys - Non-Native Species

Invasive non-native species surveyed and collected during the Environment Agency (EA)monitoring activities including location and date of survey. Primarily aquatic and riparian species. Any...

Administrative Boundaries - Partnership and Strategic Overview Teams

Environment Agency Partnership and Strategic Overview teams understand and manage flood and coastal erosion risk by working flexibly with partners in ways that are good value and benefit...

York Flood Alleviation Scheme (FAS) Flood Cells

Spatial extents of the flood cells that make up the York Flood Alleviation Scheme (FAS). Including information about proposed flood risk defence work for new and existing defences. Made available...

Area Names and Codes Controlled List

Please note: This is an archive dataset which has been superceded by: Environment Agency and Natural England Public Facing Area Names. This is the legacy controlled list of 16 operational area...

FCERM Completed Schemes 2015-2021

PLEASE NOTE: This record has been Retired as it is a duplicate of "FCERM Capital Programme Homes Better Protected - Completed and Delivered Projects". The data shows completed projects which have...

Flood and Coastal Risk Management 6 Year Capital Programme 2015 - 2021

This is the Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Programme of Work. Consented by Regional Flood & Coastal Committees and updated yearly in March. The Programme tab provides information on...

Freshwater and Marine Biological Surveys for Invertebrates England

PLEASE NOTE: This dataset has been superseded by the 'Freshwater river macroinvertebrate surveys (Biosys)' dataset and is now Retired. As of March 2020 all data formerly available in 'Freshwater...

Freshwater and Marine Biological Surveys for Diatoms England

PLEASE NOTE: This dataset has been superseded by the 'Freshwater river diatom surveys (Biosys)' dataset and is now Retired. As of March 2020 all data formerly available in 'Freshwater and Marine...

Freshwater and Marine Biological Surveys for Macrophytes England

PLEASE NOTE: This dataset has been superseded by the 'Freshwater river macrophyte surveys (Biosys)' dataset and is now Retired. As of March 2020 all data formerly available in 'Freshwater and...

Freshwater Fish Counts for all Species, all Areas and all Years

PLEASE NOTE: This dataset has been superseded by the 'Freshwater fish surveys (NFPD)' dataset and is now Retired. As of March 2020 All data formerly available in 'Freshwater Fish Counts for all...