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21 results found

ESFA: course directory

The course directory contains information on courses offered by learning providers who are contracted with the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA). The directory contains information from...

Student Support application data

Students and their parents/carers complete applications for student support and submit them to the Learner Support Service (LSS). The completed applications/information submitted is assessed by the...

Care to Learn, Learner Attendance and Childcare Provider Attendance Monitoring

For the Care to Learn Student Support Scheme monthly attendance monitoring is undertaken to ensure the young parent and their child remain in education and childcare (respectively). This data is...

Dance and Drama Awards Scheme Annual MI returns

The DaDA annual data return is a mandatory collection from the 19 private dance and drama institutions which participate in the scheme. Two data collections are made in the academic year, one in...

HNS 1415 master dataset

Integrated pre and post 16 HNS funded places academic year data set used to populate the LA High Needs templates to be communicated to LAs at the end of September 2013. The data set will be...

EFA Payments

Details of payments made by EFA, covering BACS and CHAPS payments over £25,000 and GPC payments over £500.

HNS 1415 Master Working copy 16Jul13

Integrated the 2013 to 2014 academic year pre and post 16 HNS funded places into one data set in order to communicate a baseline to all local authorities for the start of the review of funded HNS...

Funding Allocations for institutions

We hold Academic Year funding allocations for all educational institutions in England delivering to 16-19 year olds including academies. Since 2011/12 these allocations are calculated and held in...

Capital Outturn Returns

Historical data on spend of capital grants by LAs, provided to give assurance to the EFA.

EFA Contracts

Details of all contracts over £10,000 including details of the tendering process

Residential Support Scheme AS1 Form

Data is collected by the LSS (on behalf of the EFA) from institutions with students receiving support from the Residential Support Scheme to confirm if the student(s) have completed the academic...

Residential Bursary Fund annual MI return

The RBF annual data return is a voluntary collection from institutions with an allocation of RBF funding. The aim is to obtain data on the numbers of students supported in each of the defined...

Final claims data

Colleges, commercial and charitable providers and other institutions provide an annual funding return to the EFA which is recorded and held currently in Excel spreadsheets. This data consists of...

16 to 19 Bursary Fund annual MI return.

The 16-19 Bursary Funding annual data return is a voluntary collection from institutions with an allocation of funding. The aim is to obtain data on the numbers of students supported in each of...

ACMF Annual Settlement

List of all successful Academies Maintenance Fund Projects and funding allocations

Youth Contract programme for 16 and 17 year olds who are not in education, employment or training

The data on young people who are currently supported by the Youth Contract Programme for 16 and 17 year olds is collected through monthly returns from the 6 Prime contractors which deliver the...

16-19 Bursary Fund Vulnerable Students Claim Form

Institutions requesting funds for students they have identified as being in one of the defined vulnerable bursary categories for the current academic year must complete a funding claim form...

Section 96 Approvals information

We determine which qualifications should be approved for delivery and funding in schools and colleges up to age 19. This information is held in an Access data base. It is also held elsewhere...

Learning Aim Reference Service

Learning Aim Reference Service (LARS) offers a web based search facility. It allows users to search by most commonly used fields for Qualifications, Units, Apprenticeship Frameworks and...