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  • Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety

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      56 results found

      Northern Ireland Outpatient Statistics

      The publication relates to activity at consultant led outpatient services in Health and Social Care hospitals in Northern Ireland. Data includes the number of new and review attendances, missed...

      Outcome Indicators for Looked After Children

      This statistical bulletin presents information on children and young people looked after continuously for at least 12 months at 30 September, gathered from Health & Social Care Trusts. It...

      Children's Social Care Statistics in Northern Ireland

      This bulletin presents first release summary statistics on children's social care in Northern Ireland for year ending 31 March. Where data are available, each section will provide information on...

      Census of Drug and Alcohol Treatment Services in Northern Ireland

      This bulletin summarises information collected from statutory and non-statutory drug and alcohol treatment services in Northern Ireland to establish the number of persons in treatment for drug...

      Hearing Aid Assessments and Re-assessments

      This publication has been discontinued having taken into account responses received following a public consultation carried out in February 2013. Source agency: Health, Social Service and Public...

      Continuous Household Survey 2008/09

      This report presents findings from the carers’ module of the Continuous Household Survey (CHS), carried out over the year 1st April 2008 – 31st March 2009. The CHS provides a regular source of...

      Northern Ireland Health & Social Care Inequalities Monitoring System

      Life expectancy at birth is the average number of years a person can expect to live should current mortality patterns stay constant. This report details how trends in mortality by age and cause of...

      Northern Ireland Emergency Care Waiting Time Statistics

      This is the publication of the monthly statistics release on waiting times for all Emergency Care Departments across Northern Ireland Source agency: Health, Social Service and Public Safety...

      Children Order Statistical Tables

      Following consultation with and having considered the feedback received from users’, Community Information Branch plan to combine ‘CHILDREN ORDER STATISTICAL TABLES’ and ‘’CHILDREN ORDER...

      Adoption of Looked After Children, Northern Ireland

      This statistical bulletin presents summary information on children adopted from care in Northern Ireland during the year ending 31 March. It is based on the biennial adoption survey (AD1) completed...

      Adult Community Statistics

      The report presents information on activity for all Programmes of Care gathered from HSC Trusts including comparisons over the past 5 years for the main activities. All information included in this...

      Northern Ireland Care Leavers Aged 16

      Formerly Northern Ireland Care Leavers. This bulletin presents findings on the educational attainment and economic activity of young people aged 16 & over who left the care of Health &...

      Carers' Statistics for Northern Ireland

      Carers' Statistics for Northern Ireland presents quarterly figures at a regional and Health and Social Care Trust level for completed and declined carers' assessments, re-assessments and...

      Statistics from the Northern Ireland Drug Misuse Database

      This bulletin summarises information on people presenting to services with problem drug misuse and relates to the 12-month period ending 31 March. Source agency: Health, Social Service and Public...

      Statistics from the Northern Ireland Needle and Syringe Exchange Scheme

      This bulletin summarises information on people visiting the Needle and Syringe Exchange Scheme and relates to the year ending 31 March. Source agency: Health, Social Service and Public Safety...

      Statistics from the Substitute Prescribing Database

      Statistics on clients in contact with Substitute Prescribing treatment services during the year broken down by Health and Social Services Board in Northern Ireland. Source agency: Health, Social...

      Statistics on Smoking Cessation Services in Northern Ireland

      This information release provides information on smoking cessation services in Northern Ireland between 1st April and 31st March. Source agency: Health, Social Service and Public Safety (Northern...

      Northern Ireland Care Leavers Aged 19

      Formerly Former Care Leavers. This statistical bulletin presents information on care leavers who had been in the care of Northern Ireland Health and Social Services Trusts three years previously...

      Statistics from the Northern Ireland Drug Addicts Index

      This statistical bulletin summarises information on all those persons registered on the Northern Ireland Drug Addicts Index at 31 December in concurrence with the Misuse of Drugs (Notification of...

      Mental Health / Learning Disability Statistics

      This publication presents statistics on mental health and learning disability activity in both an inpatient and outpatient setting in Northern Ireland. Source agency: Health, Social Service and...