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363 results found

Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Statistics

Statistics on taxis and Private Hire Vehicles Source agency: Transport Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Statistics

Survey of Foreign Road Goods Vehicles Great Britain

Final results from a Department for Transport survey of foreign-registered heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) in the United Kingdon undertaken from the period May to August 2009. This survey was designed...

Public experiences of and attitudes to air travel

Public experiences of and attitudes towards air travel, based on a module of questions included in the Office for National Statistics Opinions (Omnibus) Survey Source agency:...

Port Locations

Port Locations

Canal Network

Canal Network

Ferry fares

Ferry fares Data currently held by service operators and therefore not available in a nationally consistent format This data is held by the transport operators

Electric Vehicle Charging Points

Electric Vehicle Charging Points This data is commercial data

Road Tolls

Road Tolls

Speed Camera Locations

Speed Camera Locations

Taxi rank locations

Taxi rank locations

Tram/Light rail networks

Tram/Light rail networks This data is held by the transport operators

Bus / Coach fares

Bus / Coach fares Data currently held by service operators and therefore not available in a nationally consistent format This data is held by the transport operators

Air Fares Data

Air Fares Data Data currently held by service operators and therefore not available in a nationally consistent format This data is held by the transport operators

Transport Direct Supplementary Data

Several supplementary data sets were created in order to provide additional information on the Transport Direct journey planning website. These include links to other transport websites, details...

Reported Road Casualties Great Britain Annual Report

The Annual Report provides detailed analyses of road casualties and reports on trends in relation to casualty reduction targets. Source agency: Transport Designation: National...

Accessibility statistics

Report describes measures of accessibility by public transport, walking and cycling to seven service types: primary and secondary schools, further education, GPs, hospitals, food shops and...

Concessionary Travel Statistics

This statistical release presents information on Concessionary Travel in England for the last year and forecasts for the current year. The data are derived from the Department’s survey of Travel...

Annual bus statistics

Statistics presenting latest annual data for local buses in Great Britain. Source agency: Transport Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Annual bus statistics

Quarterly bus statistics

Statistics presenting the latest quarterly data on passenger satisfaction, bus reliability and bus patronage in Great Britain. Source agency: Transport Designation: National Statistics Language:...

Port freight statistics

Provisional quarterly statistics on freight handled at UK Ports. Source agency: Transport Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Port freight statistics