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Horizon Structure

This product contains soil series-layer properties which describe the respective structural properties of four successive nominal layers within each soil topsoil, upper subsoil, lower subsoil and...

Horizon Hydraulics

This product contains soil series-layer properties which describe the respective properties of four successive nominal layers within each soil topsoil, upper subsoil, lower subsoil and substrate....

Horizon Hydraulics (PG)

This product contains soil series-layer properties which describe the respective properties of four successive nominal layers within each soil topsoil, upper subsoil, lower subsoil and substrate....

Horizon Hydraulics (Arable)

This product contains soil series-layer properties which describe the respective properties of four successive nominal layers within each soil topsoil, upper subsoil, lower subsoil and substrate....

Horizon Fundamentals

This product contains soil series-layer properties which describe the respective properties of four successive nominal layers within each soil topsoil, upper subsoil, lower subsoil and substrate....

Horizon Fundamentals (PG)

This product contains soil series-layer properties which describe the respective properties of four successive nominal layers within each soil topsoil, upper subsoil, lower subsoil and substrate....

Horizon Fundamentals (Arable)

This product contains soil series-layer properties which describe the respective properties of four successive nominal layers within each soil topsoil, upper subsoil, lower subsoil and substrate....

Texture Group

Complete list of texture groups used in series definitions (including those groups which represent combinations of two texture classes)

Mapunit GWPP

Summary of GWPP classes within each soil association

Textures summary by Soil Association

Soil texture fractions associated with each soil association in the national map (WARNING soil fractions have been averaged across the soil association which is not very smart)

Soil Series brief profile description - horizon details

Horizon information for brief soil series definitions defined in the Soils and their Use in England and Wales Regional Bulletins

Soil Series properties within Field Capacity Zones

Wetness class and workability assessment codes derived from the soil series and field capacity zone it occurs in

Raw Soil Pit Profile Information

Soil Pits represent the most detailed descriptions made of a soil profile. They are used for classification of the soil series. SOILPIT PROFILE RAW contains the complete data collected for each...

NSI topsoil analyses (resample)

NSI topsoil2 contains a comprehensive record of many of the important elemental abundances in the soils of the UK. These analyses were performed on samples taken during a resampling exercise during...

NSI Soil Structure

Table for determining structure of subsoils from the nature of their ped faces and their particle size class.

NSI Profile (raw)

The National Soil Inventory (NSI) profile data is a spatial, point dataset with 6127 points, located in a 5km grid across England and Wales. NSI profile provides a very detailed description of the...


NATMAP 1000 is a series based, 1km2 grid vector spatial data set covering the whole of Wales and England. (relative % of soil series flattened in a table for easy database querying)

Higher Categories for Soil Classification

List of the soil taxonomic classification based on features which define the inherent characteristics of the soil material broken down from major group to group to subgroup

Soil Series Pesticide

SOILSERIES pesticides includes information useful for pesticide control such as pesticide leaching and runoff classes. This is particularly useful for groundwater monitoring in relation to...

Soil Series Information

List of the basic soil types (or SERIES) which are components of the soil associations on the National Soil Map.