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139 results found

LVMF Protected Silhouettes

London View Management Framework Silhouettes

Identified Residential Areas

Identified Residential Areas in the City Plan 2040

London Plan Legal Cluster

London Plan Legal Cluster

Key Areas of Change

Key Areas of Change in the City Plan 2040

Highways Hierarchy

Highways hierarchy in the City of London

Fleet Street Valley - Tall Building Areas

Draft planning policy in the City Plan 2040 indicating the tall building area in the Fleet Valley area

City Cluster - Tall Building Contours

Draft planning policy in the City Plan 2040 indicating the contours to be considered for the proposed tall building area in the City Cluster

City Cluster - Tall Building Areas

Draft planning policy in the City Plan 2040 indicating the tall building area in the City Cluster


Cycleways in the City of London

Tower of London World Heritage Site

Tower of London World Heritage Site

Proposed Improvements to TfL Road Network

Proposed Improvements to the TfL Road Network

Proposed Walking Improvements

Proposed Walking Improvements in the City of London

Principal Shopping Centres

Principle Shopping Centres identified in the City Plan 2040

Tall Buildings Policy Area

Draft planning policy in the City Plan 2040 indicating the location of the tall buildings policy areas.

Riverside Walkway

Riverside Walkway in the City of London

Processional Route

The Processional Route in the City of London

NO2 Tube Locations and Data

This data comes from NO2 diffusion tubes, which passively measure NO2. This data is indicative.

LVMF Protected Vistas

The London View Management Framework (LVMF) protects key views of London from parks or other well-used public spaces that help define London. Further details set out in the LVMF Supplementary...

Monument Views and Setting

Monument Views polygon layer. This Policy Area is relevant to the City Paln 2036 Strategic Policy S13: Protected Views and Local Plan 2015 Policy CS13 Protected Views. See also the Protected Views...

Highway Network

Highway Network polygon layer. This Policy Area is relevant to the City Plan 2036 Strategic Policy S9: Vehicular Transport and and Local Plan 2015 Policy CS16 Public Transport, Streets and...