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111 results found

Bradford Council workforce profile

The Council is required by law to publish information about its employees relating to certain categories (known as Protected Characteristics) under the Equality Act 2010. So that the user can most...

Bradford general election results 2017

Dataset provides information on general elections in Bradford. You can find details of candidates, the parties they represent, and the number of votes they received.

Bradford Council land and property assets

Dataset of land and property assets, where the Council has either has an ownership or occupational interest. For a visualisation of this dataset goto [the following...

Bradford gritting

Bradford has a priority network that we monitor and grit; this includes bus routes, roads that carry the highest amount of traffic and includes access to hospitals and schools. During especially...


List of Allotments within the City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council.  For details of the waiting list and availability please visit the [Allotment waiting...

Bradford schools

Bradford school dataset. This dataset includes * The information relates to school fines for the academic years 2015-16 and 2016-17. * Primary School Admission Arrangements - The...

ONS Output Areas

Simple GeoJSON files for the MSOAs and LSOAs that are part of The City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council. They have been derived from...

Bradford council street parking fines

Data shows the total monthly and annual income received for parking PCNs (penalty charge notices) for both on street and off street (car park) contraventions.

Bradford Council populations

The latest population figures produced by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) on 28 June 2018 show that an estimated 534,800 people live in Bradford District – an increase of 2,300 people...

Bradford car parks

Resources from the City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council (CBMDC) Parking service. 1. Car park locations a simple csv containing name and location including latitude /...

Care Homes

This dataset contains the locations of Care Homes and Care Homes with Nursing Provision within the Metropolitan District of Bradford. The latitude/longitude location fields are indicative only,...

Bradford bus lane income

This dataset relates to the Bradford bus lane income for periods 2010-2018, broken down by location.

Bradford planning statutory newspaper notices

This dataset relates to the City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council's planning statutory newspaper notices, and is updated every month.

Bradford parish councillors and boundaries

List containing names of parish councillors and the addresses for boundary purposes.

Article 4

Article 4 Directions cover particular areas administered by the City of Bradford MDC, and remove some or all permitted development rights. They mean that you need planning permission for works that...

Public Paths Outer

Representation of Public Rights of Way within the Bradford District shown on the West Yorkshire Metropolitan County CouncilModified Definitive Map (relevant date 30 April 1985) and the effects of...


Traffic Regulations Act 1984. The Local Authorities' Traffic Orders (Procedure) (England and Wales) Regulations 1996. Councils create traffic regulation orders (TROs) to apply traffic management...

Smoke Control

Under the Clean Air Act local authorities may declare the whole or part of the district of the authority to be a smoke control area. It is an offence to emit smoke from a chimney of a building,...

Bradford Schools NOx Interpolation

To prioritise schools for antiidling interventions work. Bradford school locations superimposed on Defra background data.

TPO Single Trees

Bradford Council maintains 2 separate data sources for its recording and management of Tree Preservation Orders (TPO), Single_Tree_Inspire and Groups_Areas_Woodlands. Both datasets must be used in...