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294 results found

Number of Pupils on Roll by Ward in Primary Schools

Number of pupils on roll in Calderdale Primary Schools by Ward (Academies and Local Authority Schools).

Organisation Chart

Organisation Chart for top three tiers of management including title, grade, salary and contact details.  This information is published as part of the [Local Government Transparency...


Details include names and location for each NHS Dentist. Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2017 Contains Royal Mail data © Royal Mail copyright and Database right...

Councillor Allowances and Expenses

Monthly figures, published here under the Council's Members' Allowances Scheme, including basic allowance, special responsibility allowance, travel and subsistence, dependent carer allowance,...

Free School Meals - Secondary Schools

Number of pupils eligible for Free School Meals in Calderdale Secondary Schools (Academies and Local Authority Maintained Schools); the data source is the termly school census. Academy data is only...

Number of Pupils on Roll in Primary schools by Year Group

Number of pupils on roll by year group in Calderdale Primary Schools (Academies and Local Authority Maintained Schools); the data source is the termly school census. Academy data is only available...

Luddendenfoot Ward

The Luddendenfoot ward dataset includes the ward map; demographic profile; Public Health England local health report; Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) factsheet; Public health data; a ward hex...

Tennis Courts

Location of Tennis Courts.

Pupils with English as an Additional Language (EAL) - Primary Schools

Number of pupils with English as an additional language in Primary Schools (Academies and Local Authority Maintained Schools); the data source is the termly school census. The dataset for Academies...

Ryburn Ward

The Ryburn ward dataset includes the ward map; demographic profile; Public Health England local health report; Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) factsheet; Public health data; a ward hex map; and...

Burials and Cremations

Number of Burials and Cremations in Parkwood Crematorium, Calderdale.

Town Ward

The Town ward dataset includes the ward map; demographic profile; Public Health England local health report; Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) factsheet; Public health data; a ward hex map; and...

Calderdale Data Works Web stats

Sessions, page views, users, devices and referrals for the DataWorks platform using information from Google Analytics. The interactive dashboard provides data by month from September 2018 for...

Calderdale IMD 2015 Results at LSOA, Neighbourhood and Ward

The Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) is one of a set of English indices of deprivation, and are released by the Department for Communities and Local Government every three to five years. The...

Children's Centre Boundary Areas

These files contain the shape, extent, location (X and Y Co-ordinates) and postcodes of the boundary areas. The PDF map shows the defined reach areas for each Children centre labelled with the name...

Council Budget

The council budget for Calderdale Council as agreed by the full Council at the annual budget meeting (known as the Base budget). The data is broken down by service, cost centre and type of...

Affordable Housing

Affordable houses built in Calderdale including, number, locality, funding and provider. We have also published a document which explains the data and some of the acronyms and terms used.

Youth Centres

Details of youth centres run by Calderdale Council. The location of the youth centres can be found on [Calderdale Maps online - Children and family...

Skate and BMX Parks

Location, address and type of skate and BMX parks.

Health and Safety - Violence and Aggression

Records of all verbal abuse and/or physical violence reported are held by the corporate health and safety team. Any employee who perceives they have been verbally abused or been exposed to violence...