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78 results found

Allerdale Policy Transport

Allerdale Planning Policy on Transport defined under the 1999 Allerdale Local Plan and expressed as polygons. Policy updated in 2014 to 2029 with actual end date being indeterminate as individual...

Allerdale Policy Conservation

Allerdale Planning Policy of Conservation Areas as defined under the 1999 Local Plan and expressed as polygons. Policy updated in 2014 to 2029 with actual end date being indeterminate as individual...

Hastings Borough Council Brownfield Register

All Local Planning Authorities are tasked by the government with producing a 'Brownfield Land Register' of previously developed sites for potential housing use. This page provides the spatial data...

Air Quality Monitoring Areas

Air Quality Monitoring Areas - The Environment Agency is a regulator for the release of air pollutants into the atmosphere from large, complex industrial processes. This will soon include emissions...

Allerdale Policy Renewable Energy

Allerdale Planning Policy on Renewable Energy defined under the 1999 Allerdale Local Plan. Expressed as polygons. Policy updated in 2014 to 2029 with actual end date being indeterminate as...

Allerdale Policy Retail Frontage

Allerdale Planning Policy on Retail Frontage as defined under the 1999 Allerdale Local Plan expressed as polygons. Policy updated in 2014 to 2029 with actual end date being indeterminate as...

Allerdale Policy Transport Arterial

Allerdale Planning Policy on Arterial Transport as defined under the 1999 Allerdale Local Plan and expressed as polygons. Policy updated in 2014 to 2029 with actual end date being indeterminate as...

Allerdale Policy Town Centre

Allerdale Planning Policy on Town Centre Development as defined under the 1999 Allerdale Local Plan expressed as polygons. Policy updated in 2014 to 2029 with actual end date being indeterminate as...

Allerdale Policy Housing Improvement

Planning Policy for the 1999 Local Plan for Housing Improvement as captured by the Planning Policy Unit from OS Mastermap. Policy updated in 2014 to 2029 with actual end date being indeterminate as...

Allerdale Policy Housing Land Availability

Allerdale Planning Policy on Housing Land Availability as defined under the 1999 Allerdale Local Plan expressed as polygons. Policy updated in 2014 to 2029 with actual end date being indeterminate...

Allerdale Policy Industrial Land Availability

Allerdale Planning Policy on Industrial Land Availability as defined under the 1999 Allerdale Local Plan expressed as polygons. Policy updated in 2014 to 2029 with actual end date being...

Allerdale Open Space Protection Constraint

Allerdale Planning Policy Constraint on Open Spaces for the protection of those areas from planning applications. Expressed as polygons. Policy updated in 2014 to 2029 with actual end date being...

Ipswich Borough Council - Locally Listed Buildings

These are buildings in the Ipswich Borough Council’s area that make a positive contribution to its local character and sense of place because of their heritage value, but which do not enjoy the...

Allerdale Policy Housing Allocation

Planning Policy under the published 1999 Local Plan of sites Allocated for potential housing development. Sites expressed as polygons and captured from OS mastermap. Policy updated in 2014 to 2029...

Ipswih Borough Council - Conservation Areas

There are 15 conservation areas in the Borough, which are designated under the powers given to local authorities by Sections 69 and 70 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act...

Ipswich Borough Council Brownfield Land Register

Local Authorities are now legally required to produce a Brownfield Land Register for their area. Sites that can be considered either have to be a minimum of 0.25ha in size or capable of...

Tree Preservation Orders individual

Individual Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) within Brecon Beacons National Park. Please note that the Brecon Beacons National Park Authority are in the final stages of reviewing all of the Tree...

Tree Preservation Orders areas

Area, Group or Woodland Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) within Brecon Beacons National Park. Please note that the Brecon Beacons National Park Authority are in the final stages of reviewing all...

Conservation Areas

Conservation Areas are designated by local planning authorities and can play an important role in environmental enhancement, economic and community regeneration (e.g. Townscape Heritage Initiatives...

Conservation Area

Conservation Areas are areas of architectural or historic interest. They were first introduced in England in 1967 in recognition of the fact that the quality of historic areas depends not only on...