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        2,090 results found

        Consistent financial reporting

        Consistent financial reporting (CFR) is the framework by schools to collect the information on income and expenditure each year. The information held here is for all maintained schools and pupil...

        Consistent financial reporting - Leeds schools

        Dataset showing total expediture and income for schools using Consistent Financial Reporting (CFR) framework.

        Barnet response to DEFRA consultation on Consistency in Household and Business Recycling Collections

        Barnet council's officer response to DEFRA's Consultation on Consistency in Household and Business Recycling Collections in England. Submitted 13 May 2019

        Release of School Level Expenditure data (Consistent Financial Reporting) 2009-10

        As part of the Department's aim to make more of its statistics available we will be publishing schools' expenditure for 2009-10 from the Consistent Financial Reporting exercise. This is in support...

        Barnet response to DEFRA consultation on Consistency in Household and Business Recycling in England

        Barnet Council's officer response to DEFRA's consultation on Consistency in Household and Business Recycling in England

        Acid manipulation field experiment in North Wales and the Peak District (2015-2016): Litter decomposition, Tea Bag Index and pore water chemistry data

        Data from an acidity manipulation field experiment for three treatment types: control, acid and alkaline. Each treatment type had four replications at two experimental site locations and two soil...

        Sulphur isotope data for TeaSe Project (NERC grant NE/L001764/1)

        Pyrite samples from selected sedimentary organic-rich formations or associated igneous and metamorphic rocks were analysed by conventional S isotopic analysis. Pyrites were measured in order to...

        Bird and butterfly abundance from consistently surveyed agri-environmental monitoring transects at Hillesden, UK, 2006-2017

        This dataset contains bird and butterfly abundance data from field-surveyed transects at Hillesden, UK (2006-2017). Over this time period, Hillesden hosted two five-year experimental manipulations...

        Occurrence of pyrrolizidine alkaloids in foods collected in 2014

        A range of samples were collected between February and March 2014 as part of a survey commissioned by the Food Standards Agency. Samples of tea, herbal infusions, plant based food supplements and...

        Data from the El Teniente porphyry Cu-Mo deposit, Chile (NERC Grants NE/M010848/1, NE/M011615/1)

        Pictures of sulphides and trace element concentrations from ore minerals in the El Teniente porphyry Cu-Mo deposit, Chile. Samples were picked for analysis from the Natural History Museum London’s...

        Data from the Muratdere porphyry Cu (copper) -Au (gold) -Mo (Molybdenum) deposit, Turkey (NERC Grants NE/M010848/1, NE/M011615/1)

        Petrological and geochemical data of sulphides and samples from the Muratdere Cu-Au-Mo porphyry deposit, Turkey. Samples were taken from several boreholes from the Muratdere mine in Western Turkey,...

        Whole rock porphyry Cu deposit assay data (NERC Grants NE/M010848/1, NE/M011615/1)

        Whole rock assay data for the El Teniente, Skouries and Muratdere porphyry Cu deposits. Samples were selected for analysis from boreholes in the Muratdere Cu-Au-Mo porphyry deposit, Western Turkey;...

        Skouries Cu (copper)-Au (gold) deposit data (NERC Grants NE/M010848/1 and NE/M011615/1)

        Mineralogical and geochemical data from sulphides and other ore minerals from the Skouries porphyry Cu-Au deposit, Greece. Samples were taken from several boreholes from the Skouries mine, courtesy...

        Aurora Ni (nickel) Cu (copper) PGE (platinum-group elements) deposit data (NERC Grants NE/M010848/1, NE/M011615/1)

        Sample locations and geochemical data from the Aurora Ni-Cu-PGE magmatic sulphide deposit, Northern Bushveld Complex, South Africa. Samples were taken from two boreholes on the La Pucella farm,...

        Experimental work on Ivrea ultramafic pipe material (NERC Grants NE/M010848/1, NE/M011615/1)

        Results of piston cylinder experiments on lower-crustal material from the Ivrea Zone, Italian Alps. Natural sulfides and sulfide-silicate mixes from lower crustal cumulates were heated and...

        Whole rock and microanalytical pyrite geochemistry from selected samples of the Vatukoula gold mines, Fiji, collected and analysed 2017-2020 (NERC Grant NE/M010848/1)

        Whole rock and pyrite geochemistry data from a suite of mineralised and barren rocks from Vatukoula gold mines and the Tavua caldera that hosts the ore body, in the northern part of the island of...

        2010 round ethnic group population projections

        Ethnic group projections were produced consistent with the published development-linked population projections. These projections have been produced on the basis of ten aggregated ethnic groups and...

        Irish Sea Fish Egg Production Survey - Zooplankton Data

        A series of cruises carried out in the Irish Sea from 2006 to 2008 by the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science. This data consists of the analysis results of the fine mesh...

        Irish Sea Fish Egg Production Survey - Zooplankton Data

        A series of cruises carried out in the Irish Sea from 2006 to 2008 by the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science. This data consists of the analysis results of the fine mesh...

        Public Open Space

        This dataset consists of the boundaries of all areas of public open space within the London Borough of Sutton. Publicly accessible open space consists of metropolitan parks, district parks, local...