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        Coniferous Standing Sales Price Index: data to September 2019

        Coniferous Standing Sales Price Index for years ending March 1985 to September 2019. The data also give underlying figures for volumes, total prices and average prices by average tree size in Great...

        Coniferous Standing Sales Price Index: data to September 2017

        Coniferous Standing Sales Price Index for years ending September 1985 to September 2017. The data also give underlying figures for volumes, total prices and average prices by average tree size in...

        Coniferous Standing Sales Price Index: data to March 2019

        Coniferous Standing Sales Price Index for years ending March 1985 to March 2019. The data also give underlying figures for volumes, total prices and average prices by average tree size in Great...

        Coniferous Standing Sales Price Index: data to March 2020

        Coniferous Standing Sales Price Index for years ending March 1985 to March 2020. The data also give underlying figures for volumes, total prices and average prices by average tree size in Great...

        Coniferous Standing Sales Price Index: data to March 2016

        Coniferous Standing Sales Price Index for years ending March 1985 to March 2016. The data also give underlying figures for volumes, total prices and average prices by average tree size in Great...

        Coniferous Standing Sales Price Index: data to March 2018

        Coniferous Standing Sales Price Index for years ending March 1985 to March 2018. The data also give underlying figures for volumes, total prices and average prices by average tree size in Great...

        Coniferous Standing Sales Price Index: data to March 2015

        Coniferous Standing Sales Price Index for years ending March 1985 to March 2015. The data also give underlying figures for volumes, total prices and average prices by average tree size in Great...

        Coniferous Standing Sales Price Index: data to September 2015

        Coniferous Standing Sales Price Index for years ending March 1985 to September 2015. The data also give underlying figures for volumes, total prices and average prices by average tree size in Great...

        Coniferous Standing Sales Price Index: data to September 2018

        Coniferous Standing Sales Price Index for years ending March 1985 to September 2018. The data also give underlying figures for volumes, total prices and average prices by average tree size in Great...

        Coniferous Standing Sales Price Index: data to September 2016

        Coniferous Standing Sales Price Index for years ending September 1985 to September 2016. The data also give underlying figures for volumes, total prices and average prices by average tree size in...

        Coniferous Standing Sales Price Index: data to March 2017

        Coniferous Standing Sales Price Index for years ending March 1985 to March 2017. The data also give underlying figures for volumes, total prices and average prices by average tree size in Great...

        National Forest Inventory - standing volume by age class GB 2011

        A summary NFI report of the 2011 standing volume for coniferous trees for Great Britain. This includes stocked area. Later estimates are available in the 50-year softwood forecast published 2014....

        Stand-scale multiproxy palaeoecological data from Cambusurich Wood, Scotland

        This dataset contains information about multiple palaeoecological proxies – pollen, non-pollen palynomorphs, spores, microcharcoal, plant macrofossils and macrocharcoal – generated from stand-scale...

        Area Management - Norway Lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) - Functional Units

        Nephrops distribution is limited by the extent of suitable muddy sediment in which animals construct burrows. Nephrops are assessed across Europe as individual stocks in 34 functional units (FUs)....

        Area Management - Norway Lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) - Functional Units

        Nephrops distribution is limited by the extent of suitable muddy sediment in which animals construct burrows. Nephrops are assessed across Europe as individual stocks in 34 functional units (FUs)....

        Rainfall, throughfall and stemflow for beech and ash stands in temperate English deciduous woodlands

        Water quality data produced from rainfall, throughfall and stemflow samples collected within a beech stand at Black Wood in Hampshire, and an ash stand at Old Pond Close in Northamptonshire. Two...

        Standing Approvals for Oil Spill Treatment Products (England and Wales) Web Feature Service (WFS)

        The use of oil spill treatment products (including dispersants) in waters of 20 metres depth or less, or within 1nm of any such area requires approval from the licensing authority. For England and...

        Standing Approvals for Oil Spill Treatment Products (England and Wales) Web Mapping Service (WMS)

        The use of oil spill treatment products (including dispersants) in waters of 20 metres depth or less, or within 1nm of any such area requires approval from the licensing authority. For England and...

        National Forest Inventory - standing timber volume for coniferous trees in Britain GB 2011

        A summary NFI report of the 2011 standing volume for coniferous trees for Great Britain. This includes stocked area. Later estimates are available in the 50-year softwood forecast published 2014....

        Severn Estuary SPA Functionally Linked Land Bird Sites

        This is a spatial dataset that describes the geographic extent of functionally linked sites, locations and counts (ie.individual records with a unique ID) of Severn Estuary SPA interest...