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        Fly-tipping in England

        A summary of fly-tipping incidents in England, by local authority. Source agency: Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National...

        Fly-tipping - All Incidents

        This dataset contains __all__ fly-tipping incidents in York recorded in City of York Council’s customer relationship management (CRM) tool from July 2019 onwards. Please note the dataset excludes...

        Fly-tipping - Last 30 Days Incidents

        This dataset contains the __most recent__ fly-tipping incidents in York - covering a 30 days period. The information presented has been recorded in City of York Council’s customer relationship...

        FLY-TIPPING - Number of issues reported

        FLY-TIPPING - Number of issues reported

        North Lincolnshire Council Local Development Plans - Non Domestic Waste Tip

        North Lincolnshire Council Local Development Plans - Non Domestic Waste Tip represented as polygons Non Domestic Waste Tip digitised with reference to Ordnance Survey MasterMap.

        NI 196 - Improved street and environmental cleanliness - fly tipping

        The definition of fly-tipping used is designed to ensure that the whole spectrum of illegally dumped waste is taken into account.

        North Lincolnshire Council Local Development Plans - Non Domestic Waste Tip

        North Lincolnshire Council Local Development Plans - Non Domestic Waste Tip represented as polygons.

        North Lincolnshire Council Local Development Plans - Non Domestic Waste Tip

        North Lincolnshire Council Local Development Plans - Non Domestic Waste Tip represented as polygons.

        NI 196 - Improved street and environmental cleanliness - fly tipping

        The definition of fly-tipping used is designed to ensure that the whole spectrum of illegally dumped waste is taken into account. Source: Flycapture Database Publisher: DCLG Floor Targets...

        Refuse Tips

        These are landfills believed to have received putresible waste. The information is from historic or current maps or records, information received or visits, it may not have been verified and may...

        % of Full-time employees

        % of Full-time employees

        Broadband/Full Fibre Availability

        Percentage of premises with Full Fibre Broadband coverage.Percentage of premises with broadband speed under 30Mbit/s.Number of all premises.Number of residential premises.

        Planning Application Full Permission

        Guidance, criteria and forms for Full Planning Permission Applications can be found below. A Full Planning Permission is a detailed planning application for development, excluding householder...


        This file contains the 'Full' NHS Postcode Directory (NHSPD) as at February 2025. The NHSPD relates both current and terminated postcodes in the United Kingdom to a selection of health geographies....

        Regions (December 2018) Full Clipped EN

        This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Regions, in England, as at 31 December 2018. The BFC boundaries are full resolution - clipped to the coastline (Mean High Water mark). Contains...

        Regions (December 2018) Full Extent EN

        This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Regions, in England, as at 31 December 2018. The BFE boundaries are full resolution - extent of the realm (usually this is the Mean Low Water...

        % of Child Complaints: Upheld in Full

        % of Child Complaints: Upheld in Full

        % of Adult Complaints: Upheld in Full

        % of Adult Complaints: Upheld in Full

        Distribution of Zostera beds around eastern tip of Isle of Wight


        HPI - Full time job increases

        Health Poverty Index - Root Causes: Percentage increases in full time equivalent employee jobs between 1991-2001 by place of work Source: Department of Health (DoH) Publisher: Health Poverty...