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        Investment Risk Management System

        Stores NEST investment profile information, not actual investments. No commercial or personal information. Used to monitor the market risk levels of portfolio's

        Sopcial Investment Fund market research 2010-11 Survey data on SIFI investment

        BCG survey data for CO on SIFI investment (amounts invested, characteristics, returns, products).

        CDC Country Investment Information

        A table containing the aggregated value of CDC Group plc's investments in each country in which it has capital invested. The data is split across sectors and information about the taxes paid and...

        CDC Country Investment Information

        A table containing the aggregated value of CDC Group plc's investments in each country in which it has capital invested. The data is split across sectors and information about the taxes paid and...

        NI Water Financial Measures Capital Investment Gross Capital Investment Summary 2019 2020

        NI Water Annual Information Return - Financial Measures Capital Investment Gross Capital Investment Summary 2019 2020

        Enterprise Investment Schemes

        Annual returns made by Enterprise Investment Scheme companies. Updated: Quarterly. Data available from 1993/94 onwards

        Social Investment and Foundations

        A list detailing social investments made by a number of UK charitable foundations. This list includes data from the following three foundations: Panahpur, The LankellyChase Foundation, and The...

        Social Investment Fund market research 2011-12 Survey data on SIFI investment and beneficiaries

        GHK survey data for CO on: a) SIFI investment (amounts invested, characteristics, returns, products) and b) on beneficiaries of social investment (who, how much finance, what types of finance).

        Inward Foreign Direct Investment Survey

        The purpose of this survey is to measure transactional flows, income on those transactions and levels of UK companies inward investment. Surveys are conducted annually and quarterly. The data is a...

        Outward Foreign Direct Investment Survey

        The purpose of this survey is to measure transactional flows, income on those transactions and levels of UK companies outward investment. Surveys are conducted annually and quarterly. The data is a...

        Foreign Direct Investment

        Provides a detailed breakdown of UK foreign direct investment flows, positions (stocks) and earnings (both inward and outward), by country, component and industry. Source agency: Office for...

        The International Investment Position

        The UK's international investment position can be viewed as the balance sheet recording the UK's stock (or level) of foreign financial assets and liabilities at a specific point in time. The net...


        NI Water's 2017 Annual Information Return submission to NIAUR regarding FINANCIAL MEASURES- CAPITAL INVESTMENT-GROSS CAPITAL INVESTMENT VARIANCE

        Local authorities Borrowing and Investments

        Breakdown of Borrowing and Investments by type and Local Authority. Source agency: Communities and Local Government Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National...

        Investment and Contract Readiness Fund Data

        This data shows grants made by the Investment and Contract Readiness Fund into high growth potential social ventures. The Investment and Contract Readiness Fund paid for business support to help...

        Local Authority Icelandic Bank Investments

        This release relates to the local authority Icelandic bank investments based on a survey of 482 authorities in England as at 31 December 2008. Source agency: Communities and Local...

        ONS VML Foreign Direct Investment (AFDI)

        Collects information relating to direct investment in the UK by foreign enterprises and direct investment abroad by UK based enterprises.

        EA Pension Fund Investment Holdings

        As part of our commitment to continuous improvement and being open and transparent, we publish the Fund’s holdings. We update the data every quarter. For operational reasons, we publish this at...

        FCA: Consumer investments data review 2021

        The FCA summarises its work to tackle consumer harm in the investment market, between 1 April 2020 and 31 March 2021. The FCA's 2021/22 Business Plan sets out its consumer priorities for the year...

        Northern Powergrid - Calderdale Investment Data

        This data from Northern Powergrid shows investment plans for Calderdale over the next few years.