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        1,069 results found

        Citizenship Survey: Identity and Values Topic Report

        This report examines attitudes to immigration, values, identity and sense of belonging to Britain using findings from the Citizenship Survey. Source agency: Communities and Local...

        Focus on Ethnicity and Identity

        Provides details of the ethnic groups in the UK today. It includes information on their characteristics, lifestyle and experiences, placing particular emphasis on comparing and contrasting the main...

        2011 Census DC Tables 2. Ethnicity, Identity, Language And Religion

        2011 Census cross-tabulations within the ETHNICITY, IDENTITY, LANGUAGE AND RELIGION topic. Tables provided for Camden, Greater London and England & Wales. Includes Ethnicity, Country of Birth,...

        National Identity

        Data showing how people in Plymouth identify themselves by nationality.

        Plant diversity

        Plant diversity

        Tree Planting

        Location of tree planting carried out by the Environment Agency and its partners since 2010/11. Numbers, area and density of planting up to and including 2017/18 have been derived from free text or...

        The Plant List - TPL

        a working list of known plant species containing information from WCSP (World Checklist of Selected Plant Families) and IPNI (International Plant Names Index) and information from seven other...

        Fungal Plant Pathogens

        Historical collection of fungus-host records for plant pathogens

        Electronic Seeds Plant (ESP)

        Plant Seed Certification on-line. Electronic data delivery for the seeds and plant breeding industry.

        Big Tree Plant Sites

        The Big Tree Plant was a national campaign that brought together a partnership of national organisations who already plant trees, as well as civic and community groups working with Defra and the...

        Woodland areas, planting and restocking

        Provisional UK statistics on areas of woodland, certified woodland, new planting and restocking. Source agency: Forestry Commission Designation: National Statistics Language:...

        Insect species richness for each plant species and insect-plant interactions from the Database of Insects and their Food Plants [DBIF]

        [THIS DATASET HAS BEEN WITHDRAWN]. This dataset consists of 4,397 insect species associated with 679 native plant species, 120 archaeophytes, and 223 neophytes from the Database of Insects and...

        Number of trees planted (CYC)

        Number of trees planted (CYC)

        Plant Pest & Disease Notices

        Plant Health Pest and Disease Notices produced by Central Science Laboratory (CSL) - Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food (MAFF) & Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs...

        New planting & restocking: 1976 to 2016

        New planting and restocking for 1976 to 2016. The data are broken down by: -England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, GB and UK; -New planting, restocking and total planting; -Conifers and...

        New planting & restocking: 1976 to 2017

        New planting and restocking for 1976 to 2017. The data are broken down by: -England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, GB and UK; -New planting, restocking and total planting; -Conifers and...

        New planting & restocking: 1976 to 2015

        New planting and restocking for 1976 to 2015. The data are broken down by: -England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, GB and UK; -New planting, restocking and total planting; -Conifers and...

        New planting & restocking: 1976 to 2018

        New planting and restocking for 1976 to 2018. The data are broken down by: -England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, GB and UK; -New planting, restocking and total planting; -Conifers and...

        The Big Tree Plant website forms.

        The Big Tree Plant website forms. These are in the form of encrypted emails to the Big Tree Plant mailbox (

        International Plant Names Index - IPNI

        Comprehensive database of published vascular plant scientific names with bibliographic details