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725 results found

Tensiometer measurements from a field experiment in the Conwy valley, North Wales, UK (2013 - 2015)

Data are presented of tensiometer measurements as centimetres of water from a field experiment in the Conwy catchment. The data were collected between October 2013 and January 2015 using...

Nematode assemblages from field-sampling and lab based disturbance experiments from the Exe and Lynher estuaries 1995 - 1997

Data consists of presense data of nematode worms, from both sand and mud habitats, in the form of count data. Data were collected from both the Exe estuary and the Lynher estuary between August...

Microbial enrichment experiments (unsuccessful) from core samples SSK111460 and SSK111461 from UKGEOS Glasgow Observatory, borehole GGC01

Loan IDA number - IDA271576. No data was obtained for microbial cultivation experiments with core samples SSK111460 and SSK111461 from UKGEOS Glasgow Observatory, borehole GGC01. Samples and data...

Barium concentration and stable isotope ratio measurements of the dissolved and adsorbed phases from laboratory batch experiments and Himalayan river samples from 2015-2016

This dataset contains barium concentration and stable isotope ratio measurements of the adsorbed and dissolved phases associated with batch laboratory adsorption-desorption reactions using common...

Phenotypic measurements of Howea belmoreana and Howea forsteriana from a common garden experiment on Lord Howe Island

The dataset describes the effect of soil type, soil sterilisation and drought treatment on survival rate and growth of Howea belmoreana and Howea forsteriana, grown from seed in an experiment on...

QICS Paper Gas migration pathways, controlling mechanisms and changes in sediment acoustic properties observed in a controlled sub-seabed CO2 release experiment

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is a key technology to potentially mitigate global warming by reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from industrial facilities and power generation that escape...

The Experience of Mutual Aid in London

We developed a survey for mutual aid groups which asked questions about the number of participants, activities they were carrying out, challenges they faced, what worked well, resources they found...

Large Woody Debris Restoration Field Experiment Dataset

Riverine species and environmental data relating to Thompson et al. (2017) Large woody debris ‘rewilding’ rapidly restores biodiversity in riverine food webs. Journal of Applied Ecology. The...

Large Woody Debris Restoration Field Experiment Dataset

Riverine species and environmental data relating to Thompson et al. (2017) Large woody debris ‘rewilding’ rapidly restores biodiversity in riverine food webs. Journal of Applied Ecology. The...

Ammonia concentration and deposition data from a peatland nitrogen pollution experiment, Whim Bog, Scotland, UK, 2002-2022

This dataset contains information ammonia concentration and deposition rates resulting from an experimental setup. An NH3 enhancement experiment was established in an ombrotrophic bog near...

Cancer Registration: National Cancer Patient Experience Survey Wave 2 by patient characteristics and route to diagnosis

The English Cancer Patient Experience Survey (CPES) is commissioned by NHS England and administered on their behalf by an external survey provider organisation (Quality Health). The survey...

Cancer Registration: National Cancer Patient Experience Survey Wave 3 by patient characteristics and route to diagnosis

The English Cancer Patient Experience Survey (CPES) is commissioned by NHS England and administered on their behalf by an external survey provider organisation (Quality Health). The survey...

Cancer Registration: National Cancer Patient Experience Survey Wave 1 by patient characteristics and route to diagnosis

The English Cancer Patient Experience Survey (CPES) is commissioned by NHS England and administered on their behalf by an external survey provider organisation (Quality Health). The survey...

Cancer Registration: National Cancer Patient Experience Survey Wave 4 by patient characteristics and route to diagnosis

The English Cancer Patient Experience Survey (CPES) is commissioned by NHS England and administered on their behalf by an external survey provider organisation (Quality Health). The survey...

Cancer Registration: National Cancer Patient Experience Survey Wave 4 by patient characteristics and route to diagnosis

The English Cancer Patient Experience Survey (CPES) is commissioned by NHS England and administered on their behalf by an external survey provider organisation (Quality Health). The survey...

Automatic weather station (AWS) data from Sourhope field experiment site, Scotland, 1999-2002 [NERC Soil Biodiversity Programme]

Regular temperature, rainfall and other weather data, as collected between February 1999 and September 2002 from an on-site Automatic Weather Station, located on experimental plots at Sourhope,...

Direct testing of forsterite bicrystals via in-situ micropillar experiments at 700 deg C (NERC Grant NE/S00162X/1)

The mechanics of olivine deformation play a key role in long-term planetary processes, including the response of the lithosphere to tectonic loading or the response of the solid Earth to tidal...

Life history, behavioural and morphometric data for queens and workers from an experiment manipulating costs of reproduction in bumble bee queens (Bombus terrestris)

Data on worker behaviour, experimental treatment and sampling, queen longevity, queen and colony fecundity and queen morphometrics collected for an experiment manipulating costs of reproduction in...

Bacterial community structure and soil process data from a sewage sludge amended upland grassland soil experiment, 2000 [NERC Soil Biodiversity Programme]

This set of data comprises temporal temperature gradient electrophoresis (TTGE) and soil process measurements, used to analyse the effects of perturbations (sludge and/or lime application) on the...

Groundwater temperatures and levels from a field experiment in the Conwy Valley, North Wales, UK (2013-2015)

Data showing groundwater temperature and levels from bore holes are presented. The data were collected from a field experiment in the Conwy catchment between December 2013 and June 2015. Data were...