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        1,011 results found

        OGA RestrictedBlocks ED50

        Blocks on the UKCS with restrictions on oil and gas activity

        UKCS Licensed Blocks ETRS89

        A Licence is a geographically defined area for prospecting, exploration or extraction of petroleum resources. The North Sea Transition Authority’s licensing system covers oil and gas within Great...

        UKCS Licensed Blocks WGS84

        A Licence is a geographically defined area for prospecting, exploration or extraction of petroleum resources. The North Sea Transition Authority’s licensing system covers oil and gas within Great...

        UKCS Licensed Blocks ED50

        A Licence is a geographically defined area for prospecting, exploration or extraction of petroleum resources. The North Sea Transition Authority’s licensing system covers oil and gas within Great...

        OGA Rd29 Blocks Offered ED50

        Blocks open for applications as part of the 29th licensing round

        OGA Rd29 Blocks Offered ETRS89

        Blocks open for applications as part of the 29th licensing round

        OGA Rd29 Blocks Offered WGS84

        Blocks open for applications as part of the 29th licensing round

        NSTA Licensed and Unlicensed Blocks (BNG)

        A Licence is a geographically defined area for prospecting, exploration or extraction of petroleum resources. The North Sea Transition Authority’s licensing system covers oil and gas within Great...

        NSTA Licensed and Unlicensed Blocks (WGS84)

        A Licence is a geographically defined area for prospecting, exploration or extraction of petroleum resources. The North Sea Transition Authority’s licensing system covers oil and gas within Great...

        NSTA Licensed and Unlicensed Blocks (ED50)

        A Licence is a geographically defined area for prospecting, exploration or extraction of petroleum resources. The North Sea Transition Authority’s licensing system covers oil and gas within Great...

        NSTA Licensed and Unlicensed Blocks (ETRS89)

        A Licence is a geographically defined area for prospecting, exploration or extraction of petroleum resources. The North Sea Transition Authority’s licensing system covers oil and gas within Great...

        UKCS 31st Offshore Licensing Round Blocks on Offer

        An A0 map showing the blocks on offer for the UKCS 31st Offshore Licensing Round.

        Energy resources - Onshore oil & gas - hydrocarbon fields, wells, and licenced blocks

        Onshore oil and gas licensing powers were devolved to Scottish Ministers on 9 February 2018. Onshore includes the marine area within territorial baselines. These datasets show onshore hydrocarbon...

        OGA Licensed Blocks BNG

        Licence boundaries covering both onshore and offshore UK taken directly from OGA's Petroleum E-business, Assignment and Relinquishment System (PEARS)

        Lambeth Housing Garage Blocks

        shows the boundaries and location of lambeth housing sites

        Three-Field block preconditioner 3D test case (NERC grant NE/I026995/1)

        This data is described in section 6.4 of the following paper, Three-Field Block Preconditioners for Models of Coupled Magma/Mantle Dynamics by Rhebergen et al DOI:10.1137/14099718X

        2020, Fugro, Winter Trials UKCS Block 13/20 , Site Survey, DECC Reference Number GS_1030

        An oil and gas industry site survey for equipment testing acquired in March 2020. The block number traversed was 13/20.

        2006, Senergy, UKCS Block 11/29, Jack-Up Rig, BGS Reference Number SG06SS0001

        An oil and gas industry site survey (desk study) for a jack-up rig acquired in October 2006. The block number traversed was 11/29.

        2017, Apache, Titan Site Survey, Block 9/14, Semi-Sub Rig, DECC Reference Number GS_515

        An oil and gas industry semi-sub rig site survey acquired under licence P1985 between June and July 2017. The block numbers traversed was 9/14.

        2015, Apache, Kinord Site Survey, Block 9/12, Semi-Sub Rig, DECC Reference Number GS_320

        An oil and gas industry site survey for a semi-sub rig acquired under licence P1982 in July 2015. The block number traversed was 9/12.