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Spend over £25,000 in NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement

A monthly-updated list of all financial transactions spending over £25,000 made by NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement, as part of the Government's commitment to transparency in expenditure.

Spend over £25,000 in NHS Blood and Transplant

A monthly-updated list of all payments made over £25,000 published as part of the Government's commitment to transparency in expenditure.

GPC Spend over £500 in NHS Blood and Transplant

A monthly-updated list of all GPC spend over £500 published as part of the Government's commitment to transparency in expenditure.

Percentage of referrals to Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) services which indicated a reliable improvement following completion of treatment (CCGOIS 2.11b)

The proportion of referrals to IAPT services that reliably improve after finishing a course of treatment, expressed as a percentage, with 95% confidence intervals. Due to current methodological...

TWBC Open Data Site Allocations 2016 - Highway Improvement Scheme TP10 (A21)

TWBC Open Data Site Allocations 2016 - Highway Improvement Scheme TP10 (A21)

Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT): Referrals to IAPT Services by CCG

The Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) dataset is a regular return of data generated by providers of NHS-commissioned IAPT services in England (including services provided by...

Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) Quarterly Dataset Reports

The Improving Access Psychological Therapies (IAPT) data set is a regular return of data generated by providers of IAPT services in the course of delivering these services to patients. The data...

FCA: Improving the Appointed Representatives regime through greater use of data

This publication includes data from the FCA's 2021 and 2022 data requests sent to principal firms and authorisation information collected from firms. It also outlines how the FCA is improving the...

% of people who have completed IAPT treatment who achieved "reliable improvement" - (VoY CCG)

% of people who have completed IAPT treatment who achieved "reliable improvement" - (VoY CCG) *This indicator has been discontinued

Monthly Improving Access to Psychological Therapies Data Quality Reports

The Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) data set is a regular return of data generated by providers of NHS-commissioned IAPT services in England (including services provided by...

% of Talkabout panel who think that the council are doing well at improving green spaces

% of Talkabout panel who think that the council are doing well at improving green spaces

% of Talkabout panel who think that the council are not doing well at improving green spaces

% of Talkabout panel who think that the council are not doing well at improving green spaces

Local skills improvement plan areas (August 2023) Names and Codes in England

This file contains names and codes for Local Skills Improvement Plan areas in England as at 1st August 2023.  (File Size - 16 KB).Field Names – LSIP23CD, LSIP23NMField Types – Text, Text, Field...

Sheep urine patch greenhouse gas emissions from a semi-improved upland grassland in North Wales, UK

The dataset contains annual soil greenhouse gas emissions following sheep urine (real and artificial) applications to a semi-improved upland grassland in North Wales, UK, across two seasons (spring...

NI 197 - Improved Local Biodiversity proportion of Local Sites where positive conservation management has been or is being implemented

Improved Local Biodiversity proportion of Local Sites where positive conservation management has been or is being implemented.

LAD to Local skills improvement plan areas (August 2023) Lookup in England

This file contains a lookup for Local Authority districts to Local Skills Improvement Plan areas in England as at 1st August 2023.  (File Size - 16 KB).Field Names – LAD23CD, LAD23NM, LSIP23CD,...

% of panel who think that the council and partners are doing well at improving the quality of streets/public spaces

% of panel who think that the council and partners are doing well at improving the quality of streets/public spaces

Evaluation interviews on flood resilience improvement from communities in the Katakwi District, Uganda, 2020

This dataset contains responses to a set of evaluation questions on flood resilience improvement within communities in the Katakwi District, Uganda. This data were created as part of the NIMFRU...

% of panel who think that the council and partners are not doing well at improving the quality of streets/public spaces

% of panel who think that the council and partners are not doing well at improving the quality of streets/public spaces

Assessment of autogenous vaccines, equine stem cell centres and non-food animal blood banks

Good Manufacturing Practice Inspections Team (GMPIT) contribution to these assessments